The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@soo2024 heyy maybe we’ll get into sps together

choate waitlist

All rejections from 4 schools… 4 more to go… I don’t know what to do :frowning:

WL- Taft, Andover, Exeter,choate*
Rejects- Lville

Waitlisted for both Exeter and Andover. I really wish I had applied to more schools. I had high hopes for Exeter as I believed I had a fairly strong application. Does anyone know if the Exeter waitlist moves and how I could increase my chances? Also could someone please tag the waitlist thread? Congrats to everyone who got accepted!

Waitlisted at Choate :frowning:

Got accepted to Exeter and Andover (planning on attending Exeter)
Got rejected from Choate
I’m very grateful that I got accepted into any of these and congrats to @TexasTeddyBear and @cowmeow77 Hopefully I will see you guys on campus next year, if you decide to go to Exeter

Exeter - Rejected
Andover - Waitlisted

Well, that’s a wrap for me. Good luck to everybody out there and Congrats to everybody accepted!

Congratulations to everyone on the good news?:heart:
For those with WL, hang in there ???

rejected from choate, waiting on Hotchkiss later today

DD accepted at Milton and Concord!

@Chan2006 Dude it’s okay, it isn’t boarding school or nothing. Make a solid plan and bounceback. It’s just another obstacle on your journey to greatness. You got this bro

I just read a post that said Taft was their safety school and I almost fell off my chair . Let me be very clear ( because I have said this numerous times in CAPS since 2014… ) Taft is an IT School and it is off the charts competitive. Taft is NOT a safety school for anyone.

Most recent example for my family was my youngest nephew M10 results. He was accepted to schools like Groton, Deerfield, Hotchkiss, Berkshire, Canterbury, Salisbury, Blair, Gunnery and Kent, but he was waitlisted at Taft and Brooks.

His mother ( my sister ) is still livid about that outcome and that was back in 2014! Let it go- right? My nephew ( super bright student/ athlete and no stranger to BS ) really wanted to go to Taft. So if you received a WL or rejection from Taft today - join the club and don’t feel down because you’re in really good company. It is actually one of the toughest boarding schools to get into.

If you were accepted to Taft today - Congratulations and well done!!

End of rant. :wink: Carry on!!

Rejected from Exeter and Choate. Aw…

Wow… I have been rejected by all schools so far…I’m so sad

@ForRansom Thank you. I’m really freaking out right now and that helped.

@SolarJ Don’t be disappointed, admission/rejection can be super arbitrary bro. Nevertheless, you’re going to shine regardless of admission or rejection to the best boarding high schools

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@Chan2006 If the rejected were the tougher half, you shouldn’t worry too much. Best of luck!

Um I got an email saying I got into Andover but it said I was a Junior. It also said I was in the 143rd class (is that freshmen?). It was the right name and everything but I was waitlisted to every other school so I’m really doubting I was accepted. I’m also in school so I can’t call just yet. I feel like crying this is so stressful! :frowning:

Thanks so much! I do feel better now.