The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

No one has gotten into Choate yet… it must’ve been really competitive this year. I reapplied to 10th grade girls boarding non-repeat and got rejected.

Why do I feel like I’ve read a mistake like this happen before?

@SolarJ Of course :slight_smile:
DM me if you would like to talk more about anything

Wait listed by Episcopal high school for FA applicant. Does anyone know if applying for FA has an impact on the decision AO makes? Thanks!

@Sleepingatlast Perhaps the M10 2015 thread? That was a rather gloomy one.

@Sleepingatlast I doubt it’s a mistake but it’s just really weird that no one from CC has gotten in so far… everyone here is so talented and probably had great applications. Last year when I applied there were already quite a few Choate admits 10 minutes after decisions came out but this year it’s just been rejects and WLs. ?

Has anyone had any luck with the NMH portal?

DS got accepted with FA into a gem! Wait listed at Woodberry… Still waiting on a few more.

I have been waitlisted to most of my schools so far as a full FA applicant. I don’t want to completely blame them on my family’s financial situation, but I know many schools have a limit of money they can provide. Others are 100% needs-blind (these are very few).

@sadpotato I’ve noticed the same thing with Andover too.

@Sleepingatlast Good luck for the rest of today if you have any decisions left!

Accepted at Milton, Cranbrook
Rejected at Choate, L’Ville
Waitlisted Exeter, Andover.

Rejected from exeter and and Andover, can’t say I’m surprised lmao. Maybe I’ll reapply next year, idk.

Congrats to everyone accepted!

Waitlisted at Choate
Accepted at Lville

Accepted at St. George’s (previously posted)
Rejected at Taft (previously posted)

Still waiting for SPS

My daughter has her heart set on SPS and then Taft. Really hoping for a yes from SPS.

Accepted at Exeter, Lawrenceville, Milton,
Waitlisted at Thacher, Choate, Deerfield

any other rising 10th graders who were accepted at andover?

(also congrats to the ppl who got accpeted – great job!)

@Sleepingatlast Thank you! I am just wondering if anyone has information in regards to wait listing like if there is any chance to get accepted especially for FA applicant to Episcopal high school.

@iusedtobesmart same, I got rejected from both.

DD accepted at Milton. Rejected from Andover. Waiting on two additional decisions to be posted late this afternoon.

Congratulations to everyone who has received acceptances thus far!

Oh my god. The Junior class at Andover is the Freshmen class. I can’t believe I got in! Now the financial aid makes the final decision!

@Sleepingatlast Congratulations!