The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

Ugh, this day just keeps getting worse. My son might very well go 2-2-8. If he didn’t get into Loomis or Blair, I seriously doubt he’s getting into Peddie and he may not get into Hill. .

Accepted: Webb, Lawrence
Waitlisted: Thacher, Blair
Rejected: Andover, Choate, St. Paul’s, Middlesex, Loomis, Millbrook
TBD: Peddie, Hill

DD got into Choate!

Sorry. Not DD. DS got into Choate!

I would argue that there is no way for anyone to know right now. This is unprecedented situation, and having spoken to our admissions guy when picking up kiddo for break over the weekend, they are certainly quite worried about yield particularly if things get worse over the next month. He very much said it was uncharted territory and very fluid situation as their phones have been ringing non-stop. Canceling revisits certainly did not help calm any fears families may have.

(1st choice) Exeter: Accepted (and confirmed without hesitation)
Andover: Waitlisted

Proud mom.

Good luck to all.

waitlisted: andover
rejected: choate


Waitlisted SPS.

Hey, y’all! Congrats to the accepted, I wish you the best of journeys in choosing a school (if need be) and at your BS! My PMs are open to any of you if you want to request information about the majority of the GLADCHEMMS schools (as that’s where I applied… :hushed: ) (ESPECIALLY EXETER NEW LOWERS, PLEASE PM ME Y’ALL)

To the waitlisted - it is not over yet! Lead with hope, expect failure. It is a tough road to be walked and these admission rates aren’t low for no reason. Check the Wait List, where ChoatieMom, PhotoMom, and others have some excellent advice and tales on how to and how to not navigate the waitlist at schools.

To the rejected - I’m so sorry. I remind you that there are limited spots for limited students at these schools, and that to have gone out and applied, is on its own, brilliant. BS does not determine your future. You can try and reapply next year (I think it might’ve been @stargirl3 who was repeatedly WLed by Groton but got in for her 11th grade) and you may or may not succeed. There is a future, here and now, that you can fall in love with. Paths work in mysterious ways, and let this river take you where it will. :heart:

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@RedLioness Good advice…

I just can’t believe that we’re all the way here just like that. It’s so unreal.

Several of the schools have claimed in their rejection/WL letters that they received “record number of applications”. Do you think that’s actually the case or is it just a fib to soften the blow?

I cannot believe someone with your stat could possibly be waitlisted by any school on earth. It makes me wonder if the whole “holistic” process is a joke - ie they try to be careful in admitting someone who may outperform everyone else, including legacy and faculty kids. Or they try to work on preserving their yield. I am stunned and frankly quite angry.

For those of you WL’d, please keep up the hope…we know kids over the past 2 years who have moved onto Choate, Deerfield, L’Ville and Milton. This will be a crazy year, so hang in there!

Waitlisted at SPS :frowning:

@CrimsonWife I would almost believe them… The process is so incredibly competitive that even though it ma not exactly be a record high, they have a deluge of applicants to sort through. And luck plays a huge factor whether we want it to or not.

Good morning. Feeling blessed and somewhat embarrassed with abundance.

K1: Accepted to Andover, Exeter, Choate.
K2: Accepted to Andover, Exeter, Choate.

Both attending Andover.

CONGRATULATIONS to all on your/kids’ acceptances, and for those on the Wait Lists or waiting for later decisions, keep the faith and good luck!

@enpassant2019 Oh thank you! But there are a lot of qualified candidates for them to pick from. And I heard that this year‘s application pool was especially strong! But thank you for the kind words!

@DroidsLookingFor CONGRATS! Don’t be embarrassed, your kids are flourishing and they have been recognized! Congratulations!

@enpassant2019 they try and admit a class as a whole, based on their needs. if they don’t need a student with such and such stat, then they’ll cast them to the side, no matter how great of an applicant they are.

@CrimsonWife maybe is, maybe not. only the admissions office could tell… and actually they said that last year but according to my faculty kid friend, it was true

@enpassant2019 - I feel your pain, but most kids are not in the faculty kid pool or legacy pool so hold your fire and save it for a real revolution. :wink:

Anyone waitlisted hang in there, long road but it can definitely still happen for you!

@RedLioness , thank you. I am new here. Accepted into Exeter. Can you PM me, I do not know how to send a PM from here. Thanks