The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

I know that, but the “needs” seem to be based less on objective merits than on subjective tastes. The unbearable lightness of the whole process - that’s what I am talking about. They might drop Alan Turing merely because he did not make the “right” impression on the interview day or he did not play tuba. Lucky for Exeter and Thacher.

Thanks @Golfgr8 it’s comforting to read even if it doesnt happen.
We are 4 waitlists out of 4. Waiting on just one more…

I am not feeling pain. I am puzzled and losing faith in the system. Not that it matters, but can’t I express?

waitlisted everywhere except culver and putney.
not highly ranked, but it’s somewhere…
i’m sure i’ll be happy at either one.

@TheHappinessFund - both great schools! We have friends with a student at Culver and he loves it! There is someone from Putney on CC - so you should be able to get good information and (perhaps) make a new friend!

Accepted : Loomis , Choate. Relieved :slight_smile:
Good luck to everyone!

@ZimchiZuru new member cannot send PMs, but can receive them and can reply to them (it’s that way until you meet a minimum amount of posts, I believe.

Redlioness is a very knowledgeable & supportive member. You can also post on previous threads that you search about your school, with shout outs like you did to Redlioness , and those other CC’ers will likely also send you PMs. Parents, students & alum here are very caring & thorough in answering questions when they PM you.

For those of you who have acceptances…CONGRATS!! SO happy for you…but those of you who DO have acceptance in hand, even if you have WLs or rejections, too…PLEASE think before you complain about your results. You HAVE the golden ticket. There are plenty of people here who are licking their wounds with no acceptances. They would give anything to have just one acceptance that you may be complaining about. Show grace and compassion. Be grateful for what you’ve received.
For those of you still on the edge of your seats…we are still pulling for you. Three years ago, we had all WLs and rejections at the end of the day. We could not access the portal of one school. When we finally did get in…it was our golden ticket and it truly has been the best experience for DS. Hang in there! It’s an emotional day, but you have lots of support here! HUGS


@LeeLeeB gives good advice. TroIIing for PM’s is not allowed anyway. It is unlikely that a question asked is soooo unique that it has not been asked before. So you can look at past threads. Alternatively, post the questions, since other users will likely benefit.

@amumof2 keep fighting the good fight! It’s not over yet!

@TheHappinessFund I’m sorry you didn’t get into any of your other schools, it must suck… yet, idk much about Culver and Putney but I think I’ve heard on the boards that they’re great schools. Try and embrace your future, because what will come will, and you might really enjoy whichever you choose. Still, your disappointment is valid… I hope for the best for you at whichever you choose!

@prep2024 CONGRATULATIONS! Good luck with choosing, they’re both great schools!

@LeeLeeB @buuzn03 and @skieurope speak the truth. I learned all I know from trawling through old threads (and my own good old crash-n-burning, of course! :wink: )

@soo2024 I know it’s tough that you didn’t get what you wanted but I am so proud of all your hard work. This process just makes you stronger and ready for what life might throw at you. Love you baby girl keep your chin up.

Did anyone receive Groton decisions yet?

So far all rejections. I don’t know what to do :neutral: 3 schools left.

Rejected from Exeter and Andover. Only one school to go. Groton is my last hope.

@enpassant2019 - Go ahead - No one is stopping you, but pointing to faculty kids and legacies ( as possible culprits based on nothing more than your superficial appraisal of one candidate or candidates ) is absolutely ridiculous and beyond my comprehension.

And TBH- it’s a leap which is deeply flawed and a tad dated , too. :wink:

Trust me - very few kids here are in the two pools that you singled out and I don’t wish either pool on anyone . All of these kids earned their spot ( if they got in ) and I can argue that they probably fought harder than most kids .


We are on the same boat… Good luck on Groton! I’m rooting for you!

@TheHappinessFund , both very good schools and very different from each other, so you have a real choice to make.

You can do great things at and from either.

First time poster long time reader. My D got accepted to Choate and Miss Porters as a 9th grade day student. Great grades from a challenging middle school, standout swimmer but low SSATs. Very happy for her. Good luck to everyone

@PhotographerMom the stock market crashing will def affect the waitlists .
If a family gets accepted but was counting on their stock market dividends to pay tuition, and now they have none, clearly that will free up a space which may move the watlist.

Rejected from: Choate, Exeter, Andover
Waitlisted at St. Geroge’s
Accepted into CSW
Wating for Groton, Peddie and another two safety schools