The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

So relatable! I did the same. I don’t understand how I can edit a hundred times and see nothing wrong. Then after I submit, everything is wrong!


1 week after J15 and 47 days to go! Still dreading M10, any other input?

I’m definitely not getting into Andover lol. I messed up too many things on the application to be accepted.

Your list is very challenging. Wish you a good luck!

oh man! eveyrone here submitted their applications like in january, i finished mine on christmas eve haha

Hey guys, I’m back! I avoid things when I’m anxious so this should be a breeze. Trust me, my anxiety has been through the roof with life, COVID, and the end of the semester. @mondaydevil It’s super cool that your applying to porters also! What grade would you be in? I’ll be a sophomore.

Im freaking out and I cannot wait for M10. Does anyone have tips on how to reduce the anxiety?

Im nervous because I’m confident I’ll get into a school but I want to see which ones.

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Welcome back!! Sorry to hear about your anxiety and I hope things get better <3 I’ll actually be a sophomore as well! There is a slight chance I’ll be a repeat freshman because I told them I was open to the idea, though.

These past few days have been going by really fast, which I don’t like. M10 can take all the time it needs cuz I am DEFINITELY in no rush :ok_hand::sweat_smile:

me neither, post-j15 pessimistic pillow there for you too?

Today, I just finished the application to the last school!~~~ Wow~~~~

Have you got comfirmation about application completion from all schools you are applying to?

Nope not from Choate or SPS. They don’t send out confirmation emails. Exeter and Andover do though.

Same to me for SPS, no confirmation.

My son got a confirmation from St. Paul’s that his application was complete, so…

i’ve been stalking CCs post dating back to 07’ on prep school forums. I’m so scared that my 79th %ile ssat will get me rejected.

But how many of those years were TO?

when did he get that? There is no portal for SPS, right? I don’t know where to check it.


I believe that SSAT scores were more important in the past, esp for the years like a decade ago.

0 lol

Exactly. Plus, there’s a lot of inflation on CC. And, not many people on CC post if they have low scores. It’s normally the high-scoring people that post, but even the lower scoring people get accepted.