The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

okii :))

Can’t wait!

andover2025 on insta posted a cute little picture about it ! check it out !


omg i honestly cannot believe how close we all until knowing :fearful: :fearful: :fearful:

ikr!! I still haven’t decided how I’m going to open decisions yet haha

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in less than 24 hours…

There are so many coming out at 8am. I have no idea which order I’ll open them.

Hi all- frequent lurker but never posted before. My son applied to Andover, Lawrenceville, Groton, Deerfield and Choate. Signed up for FedEx/ups alerts in his name and no notifications so I’m in an obvious panic, though I do appreciate the reassurance from some of you that these things aren’t 100%. We are coming from a private in the DC area with some strong connections to the aforementioned schools and my son is certainly a strong candidate but all of my optimism seems to have dwindled away with the passing moments before m10. Wishing everyone the best of luck and you’ve been an excellent source of info and inspiration!!!


That makes sense now. Thanks!

trust me these notifications are not reliable,don’t stress!


I think we should watch to all the boys i loved before 3 bc it kind of centers around decisions and where to go !

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Keep your (and your son’s) hopes up! Receiving the notification is likely a good sign, but not receiving it does not mean anything much. If you look at number of people who have gotten notifications so far, it is way less than a number of people on this site who got admitted in previous years. Best of luck to you tomorrow!


Not getting any notifications doesn’t mean anything! Best of luck for him tomorrow!

not the noah scented-mayo movie!



lmaooooooo :sob::sob:

Speaking of notifications…yesterday, most folks started seeing their notifications around 3-5 pm, which was just before the 5 pm cutoff time for UPS/FedEx. If the same holds true for today, we should see more good news in a few hours…

Prepare for the 2nd wave of fear and anxiety

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How do people see if they got a notification? Just check their email?

You can see them via text or email (if you set them up) or just by checking websites/apps