The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Just got confirmation from SPS. One more to go!

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Anyone get a Choate confirmation email?

not me. but checklist is complete

Bruh it’s literally been almost 2 weeks and I still didn’t get mine lol.

yea I didn’t get one either ,kinda weird lolz

Me too. Maybe they’re a bit delayed because this year they said they have the most applicants ever.

my friends are making me watch attack on titan and it seems pretty good so far :smiley:

What schools do you guys think you have the best chance at ?

Woodberry Forest. What about you?

Honestly I don’t know.

Probably St. Paul’s School at a 1% chance of getting in. But they waitlist a LOT of Asians, and many other Asians are better than me, so welp.

Groton for me, but I know i need to be realistic.

Your stats are so great! But ORM would matter a lot for admissions, including me.

Literally none but probably Hotchkiss (except I failed their essays ahahahaha-)

Loomis…although still a 2% chance i’ll actually get in

i want to say putney and miss porters but that might just be because theyre my top choices?

i also feel like i have a good shot at brooks and westover because they have high acceptance rates

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For me personally loomis and cushing but if anyone wants to talk my ig is : lesssliex523

I felt that my interviews and essays for Choate and SAS were strongest, but I may just be saying that because they’re high on my list. SPS is my first choice, though!

Could someone please reply to my updated chance me thanks lol also what are you guys looking foward to in a boarding school <33

Aaaah I feel like an idiot for only applying to three schools, when I started this whole process I knew pretty much nothing about it and now I’m sooooo stressed because I know I’ll get rejected to all three. It doesn’t help that all of them have really low acceptance rates!!

Bruh your stats are really good! Don’t worry, I applied to 4 schools, and I’m definitely not getting in to any of them. I’m sure you’ll do extremely well.

P.S. Violins are better than violas though >:)