The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Hi, I applied to Blair as well. I would love to go there did you apply as a incoming 10 grader. I hope I get in. :grinning:

Thank you!! You’ll do well too!! And absolutely not >:( haha

Only 5 more weeks!

I’m actually starting to get nervous about M10! I keep picturing these different scenarios of what could happen and just ahhhhhhh

why does time pass so fast ahhhhhhh I’m just freaking out lololol flip ._.
hey admissions offices please accept me

I know! It’s so weird for me to no longer be working on applications. I thought I would be less stressed when the applications were done, but now all I can think about is M10 and all the possible decisions. I’m with you @pearlescentrose


Honestly, I feel awfully calm about the wait. I think I’ve come to terms with my inevitable rejections on M10. I just know it.

Good luck to everyone!

Why do I also feel this way haha. I know I am qualified but I also know mostly everyone who applies is qualified. I even added another school incredibly last minute not that it even helps lol. I feel like my luck is I won’t get outright rejected everywhere I’ll just be waitlisted and never leave the waitlist. At least I know I tried.

Also could just be me but has CC been glitchy for anyone else? Lately it has been taking longer to load or is unable to load at all and sometimes when I click on the posts it takes me back to the main forum page. Super weird could just be me though.

calm down
don’t assume the worst, you’ll probably get in somewhere
and even if you don’t get in somewhere, its okay, you can still succeed
over 70% of the people in Harvard never went to prep school

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Harvard and Yale are my dream undergrad schools, and Oxford is my dream grad school! How about you guys?

Probably Stanford for undergrad then Harvard Med as of now =)

Stanford is great! Personally, I just love the East Coast :wink:

Nice, we’re opposites xD I wanna live in the west coast (at least for a while)

What schools did you apply to then? Are they on the west coast? Because all of mine are in New England.

Same, not allowed to go to west coast for BS because “it’s too far” lol

I live in the South :frowning: but my parents are really supportive. I’m pretty lucky to be able to move so far away! (1500 miles)

Oh wow :0 that’s nice, you have amazing parents!!

Yeah! Sorry you can’t go to the West coast though. Hopefully you can for college! :smiley:

Thanks =)