The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

No problem! Maybe we’re applying to the same schools and I’ll see you there

Hope I see you too!

Personally I would want to go to Yale University (best math and computer science), CalTech, MIT, or UPenn (business school). I’ve heard Cornell University is pretty good in medicine.

You guys have such big dreams ,love it for yall but I want to go to NYU or Cornell

Oooh my dream’s Pomona for cognitive science. I don’t think I’d be able to survive in a huge university and I want to live on the West Coast for a little as well.

Bruh I just found out the UPenn was founded by Benjamin Franklin.

This is really cool!

Wow that’s really cool!! Good luck on your dream! :grin:

This a very weirddd question but what do you guys think dating is like at bs lolzz. It’s weird to think about bc the schools seem very academic but these kids like us are regular teenagers lol

Like my parents said: Get good college before you get girlfriend/boyfriend la!

But I think the dating scene still exists, and I guess people are closer because of boarding school. It’s just that your advisors (and some faculty) would most likely know of you’re dating or not. It may be tough though because of busy.

I have a quick question. Why are apples crunchy?

New to college confidential, but I am applying as an incoming 10th grader to:
I am a mediocre candidate who needs FA so… I’m ready to get rejected on M10!

Hey, I applied to Choate, Loomis, Exeter, St.Pauls and Blair as well. I don’t think i have much of a chance but if you want to chat we can!

I think you need to widen your net.

Hehe, I see you still haven’t widened your net. I hope you understand that, despite me giving you no instructions on what to do, what schools you might be apply to, or helped your emotional state other than a vague platitude, I am extremely disappointed. Why didn’t you listen to some random stranger???

(Please tell people in a more clear manner about applying to more schools and some possible schools to apply to. I often see threads flooded by ‘widen your net’ instead of more clear and relevant advice which has not already been said)

Maybe because we’re sick of repeating the same “clear and relevant advice” over and over again, only to be ignored.



You just have to shake a few older threads and the same probing questions and the same lists of suggested schools fall out.

We can’t do your homework for you. And, not for nothing, schools will expect students to do their own homework at school, too. Best to learn how now.


I know that I, for one (of many many), explained this in detail on past threads. So, I agree with @stalecookies and @CateCAParent Sometimes, you have to do your own homework. The information is there…it is up to you to retrieve it. If you aren’t willing to do so, then it must not be that important to you. In that case, there is no room for complaint.

I’m not criticizing having to do your homework, I’m criticizing the threads where I see 7 “widen your nets” in a row. I was trying to say that if you didn’t have more advice and someone’s already said to widen the net, don’t clog up the thread by repeating it.

I didn’t apply to any ‘safety schools’. I chose the ‘prestigious’ schools because I had the mindset to either go all in or don’t go at all (at least for BS). I applied to one private safety school in my area and 6 public schools. It may be risky but I think that I can get into one boarding school right?

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