The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

As with many things in life, you get out what you put in.

Hey - wishing all the applicants well this year. I remember well the stress of the waiting period. Hang in there! You are all awesome.


I, for one, really appreciated that repetition because it made me take action when I didn’t want to. But I am a lot more comfortable right now having explored and applied to more schools.

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I would have but it is a little late now…

While you’re trying to keep your mind off M10, you can look up schools that have “rolling admissions”.

Thank you for the suggestion!

That’s what I did a few days ago!! I was re-reading the big Waitlist thread and wrote down a few options for post-M10 in a worst case scenario.

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Gender score
As told to me by several AOs (admittedly several years ago)

I find this happens when posters ask for advice and then don’t like the advice they’re given. People agree and post again in an attempt to have said advice sink in because those of us who’ve been in this game for a long time know many kids who were highly disappointed M10. They raged about the “whys” even though they’d been told to widen the net.


It’s different because “dates” happen a lot less. Because you’re all living together things are more informal and, especially for the middle of nowhere schools, there’s no where to go. But you are also almost totally unsupervised. I don’t mean you can be in opp gender rooms (in most schools that’s still pretty regulated) but you can go off behind the gym and no one notices. So there’s a lot of freedom. Make good decisions, it’s pretty much 100% on you with limited hand holding in this area.

Each school does have its own culture around this. If you’re able to speak to current students after you’re admitted I would ask about this. My kids’ top priority was “is there shaming?”

Wasn’t sure if this pun was intended? :joy:


any1 here play Xbox?

Hate to intrude on the applicants’ safe spot, but just gonna say if anyone has any questions about Choate or boarding school as a whole, I’m a current junior who applied in 2019! I’d love to field questions.


Hello, do they have many kids from Indiana?

There are a couple of us!

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How are the facilities?

I mean, I think they’re gorgeous. My favorite buildings are the newer ones on campus, i.e. the math building, student center, and music/gathering building. Everything’s clean and in good repair. Upper campus has a nice brick theme, whereas lower campus (which has more of the newer buildings) is more varied in its architecture. Two (correct me if I’m wrong here) of our buildings were designed by I.M. Pei (the science and the arts buildings).

I’ve got a quick question. With applications finished, I’ve been able to start some projects that there was no way I had time for before. Should I email schools updating them on what I’m working on, or at this point does it not matter? I opened an online store and am working on pitching some ideas to my local school board.

Also, side note, AHHHHHHHHHH. I can’t believe applications are finished and at the same time I feel like I’m going to be holding my breath until M10 when I get rejected everywhere. Maybe this is just me (and also complete respect to any repeat applicants, I can’t imagine going through this twice) but I’m feeling really disenfranchised about doing applications again on complete steroids in a few years for college.

Congratulations on your online store! If you think it would help strengthen your application or goes along with other application components you can certainly send an email update. However AOs are super busy right now so you most likely won’t receive a reply.

Also speaking of college applications I have 3 older siblings (2 in college, and 1 who just finished applying in November) and they all agreed that the bs application process is harder and more in depth than applying to college lol. They definitely thought I had a tougher process and harder interviews than they did so hopefully that helps calm nerves about college applications and also is a reason to celebrate completing the bs applications!

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29 days till M10, I am kinda scared , what abt you guys !

Hahaha VERY scared.
My dad was talking to a colleague last night who has a kid at Groton and the kid is really accomplished (good ECs, grades, SSAT, awards, charismatic & they’re FP) and he was rejected at four schools, and waitlisted at two. He got off the Groton waitlist pretty late and he is now a jr there. He’s is doing really well, is super involved, and has great grades, but its daunting to think that he almost didn’t get in anywhere, when clearly he ended up doing very well.