The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Did you apply for FP or FA?

For everyone who didn’t get the results they were hoping for today, don’t despair! My kid got 6 WLs last year. It was devastating at the time, but in hindsight, we are all so glad he had this extra year at home. He has grown so much! The application process was much easier the second time around. He reapplied to 5 of the 6 this year (as a repeat freshman) and was accepted at 2—including his first choice. I wish I could go back in time to one year ago and tell us all that it really was going to work out for the best. Since I can’t do that, I hope this is encouraging to some of you!


Well…confusing, but congrats all the same!

It’s just going to cost somewhere between $0 and $63k per year. :thinking:

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Thank you for the encouraging words. Could I ask whether your kid apply to the same 9th grade or 10th grade instead this year? I’m the youngest age in my grade level, so wondering whether should apply for a repeat 9th grade next year instead.

Very great comment!! Dedication can take an applicant very far. Congratulations to your son!

And, reminder to anyone who needs it: it only takes one school. It doesn’t matter if you got 9 rejections and one acceptance. You got into a fantastic school and you should be very proud! And if you have 0 acceptances at the end of today, you should still be incredibly proud. You have spent this year working so hard, and even if it doesn’t turn out how you’d like, your effort speaks for itself. Every single one of you will do great things.


I did not apply for financial aid.

He applied as a repeat 9th grader. He is also young for his grade, so it makes a lot of sense for him. Plus, he wants the full 4-year experience.

I guess I’m going to attend Lakeside.

I applied (and was rejected from) Lakeside last year, it is still an incredible school and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!

@CavsFan2003 , how would we know if we had received a Scholar award like the Paul Mellon or Head’s Scholars one?

Looks like it would have been specified in the acceptance letter’s opening line.

Ok so we’ve determined the whole just regular scholar thing is average? Or should I email an AO as previously stated?

Looks like it’s just a nice addition. I wouldn’t look too far into it.

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I’ve seen people using the term AO all the time, what does it stand for?

Admissions Officer

lol thx

Congrats on getting into so many schools! Do you have a first choice?

Thank you! I’d have to go with the default “Exeter top choice” answer, but I’d be a fool not to explore the options and find what I like most!

Definitely! I applied to 3 schools. Accepted at Exeter and Deerfield. Still waiting on SPS

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Wow, congratulations!

Best of luck with SPS, something tells me you’re on track for a clean sweep!

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