The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

My DD was waitlisted at Milton too.

I was going to schedule with my AO, definitely considering it

Ok- now I understand. Mommysmalls was talking about last year and that she did receive an email at 5:30 but it was FA info. Thank you for clarifying! Now we all sit and wait…

Well if they only take 100 kids out of 1400 applicants it’s not all that shocking. Ugh.

Lol that’s good! I’m probably going for 10th grade, I wanted to see if anyone else would be joining.

Sorry, I didn’t make it clear. People were having an issue with portal, so I just said check email too.
I found out of acceptance last year via that email. Since I realized it was attached to a FA, I came back and corrected it…plus said “ignore me”.

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I’m finally able to access the Groton portal but I can’t figure out how to access the decision letter. It says to look in the top right side of the page but I don’t see any link.

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Nope nothing for us either

Yeah, I think it’s higher than that. But when my dad called today, he told me Exeter said that usually around 20 students were waitlisted?? I think there was definitely more this year tho.

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What schools would you recommend? I know it depends on the student, but just curious which ones you like. There are a lot of all rejections or all waitlisted kids on here and maybe they could start researching with some of your suggestions!

I can tell you with a degree of certainty that the waitlist number is three digits


refresh the page

I still don’t see anything :confused:

The page works for me well, though it is a rejection letter.

I think they meant that 20 students become ACCEPTED from the waitlist, MAX. Not 20 students ON the waitlist.


Yeah, that makes a lot more sense

Admitted to Groton. The acceptance said 15 applicants for every spot this year.


CONGRATS on getting in!!


OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!! where did you see it?