The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

anyone accepted into hill, mercersburg, tabor, or nmh get an acceptance package yet? hill and mercersburg said they would be sending me something but i haven’t gotten anything yet.

Most acceptance packages will come within the next week.

Oh I think you misunderstood me I meant that I need some recs since I also got rejected from every school I applied to

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Any boarding schools that are still enrolling recommendations?

Wow, thank you so much for the advice. It’s definitely really helpful! That reassures me a lot : )

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Need some advice here. DD thought about BS in Oct20 and had interviews with four schools since top 2 schools had no spots for interviews. She ended up applying three schools. Here is the outcome: outright rejected by one, WL 'ed on one and accepted by one with some FA. Questions:

  1. Any chance to be off WL with FA?
  2. Any wiggling room on FA offered by the school? I am not sure the exact formula the school used to provide FA other than obvious ones. We have excellent local public schools. At least one Kid from local school here has gone to every tier one college each year. We want to support her 100% but want to make sure the outcome is at least worthwhile.
  3. Last but not least, DD is not in the 98% 99% percentile like most people here are. She is more like 93%-95% but she is super-independent but introverted somewhat (I guess that is another reason she did not bother to apply the top two spot schools). I wonder if BS would be a good fit for her to thrive.

For people accepted to Choate, have you guys gotten your letters yet?

is there anyway to get off the waitlist??? desperate to go to milton here 0-0

Does anyone know how many people Exeter puts on the waiting list, I would expect it to be in the hundreds but is it like around 250 like acceptances?

Same except for Exeter

I’m super confused. I checked Gateway to read over my essays and they weren’t the ones I had written. For instance, I wrote about classical languages for one of the prompts. “What excited you intellectually-and why?” On Gateway, it’s about religion. None of the essays I wrote were about religion. Could this be a reason I was rejected? The essay submitted wasn’t very good quality. I haven’t looked at any other essays yet. I didn’t submit anything, my parents turned in all of my materials in when they paid the application fees so I had no control.

Does anyone have any idea of how much acceptance rates dropped this year? What do you guys think Andover’s and Exeter’s were?

I would think 10%> but I don’t think we know the exact numbers this year


I asked my dad why there was someone else’s essay in Gateway. Turns out, he wrote it because he didn’t think my essay was good enough. I’m honestly mad since I wanted to get in based off of my own merit.

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You can ask for more financial aid at the school where your DD was accepted. They want her to enroll. Have a conversation with the financial aid officer about what you’d like to get.

Just as there are different types of people in life, there are different types of students at boarding school: outgoing, shy, sporty, arty, funny, and serious. The fact that she is super-independent and in the 93%-95% means she is an excellent candidate for boarding school.

With the # of applications were up 30% among top BS on the average (at least among the ones that I know well), therefore the acceptance rates will drop proportionately as a result. This obviously had a lot to do with COVID, as a lot of students have gotten tired of remote learning and wanted to go back to in-person learning, which is available only in BS bubbles.

Having said that, I believe that as more vaccinations take place, there might be a chance for the COVID situation to improve and for some local schools to decide to open in the late summer, which might lead to withdrawals from BS intakes.

Have faith and stay positive! This is just a speed bump on your long way to success.

Oh that’s awful (I was also in a similar situation)! Are you applying again for next year? Don’t lose hope!! Good luck wherever you decide to go! :slight_smile:

I might go to Kent. If I do go, I’ll see if I like the school. If I like it, I’ll stay. If not, I’ll reapply. Or I could go to my lps as a sophomore and be with students 3 years older than me all day and reapply.

Oh ouch. I am sorry prepschool2021