The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Accepted to Hill and Deerfield here



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@potatopringles , reach out to admissions asap. My guess is that this will be something they can fix for you. Congratulations, btw! My kid is a GS alum and had a great experience there.

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I’m not sure I’m understanding. One or more of the essays considered by Kent when they accepted you was written by your dad? That would create quite an ethical dilemma. Middle school students are not supposed to be competing with adults for a spot at boarding school. If the school found out I think they’d withdraw their acceptance. Plenty of kids who completed their own applications were rejected, and some may be on this website. That could be a problem for you.

Does your dad know what happens if the school finds out after you enroll? Disciplinary actions can become a permanent part of your record which means they might show up on the transcripts you’ll be required to send to colleges. I think that would limit your options. Is this how he intends to handle your college apps too? You may want to have him research the Varsity Blues scandal to see what happens when this kind of “help” backfires. It’s not pretty.

I’m so sorry your dad has put you in this position. I’m sure you’re a great kid and I wish he’d given you the opportunity to shine on your own. Is there any school that might have gotten the essays that you wrote or did they all get your dad’s submissions?

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if a school sends your decision by email, are you supposed to email them back telling them if you want to enroll or call to enroll?

It wasn’t Kent that it happened for. I wasn’t accepted into any of the schools where his essays were written.


I would say email.

You need to talk to your dad now about what he did. There is no excuse for doing a child’s work for them. First, it signals to you that he doesn’t think you are capable on your own (certainly, not true), second it is a form of plagiarism/academic dishonesty. Is he going to do the same when it’s time for college? Time to nip this in the bud. He is doing you no favors by engaging in this type of behavior. It’s not your fault, but he should know better.

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Have you confirmed with your Dad that he didn’t also alter the essay(s) for Kent? You need to take the higher road here. If he did in fact change your Kent essay(s), I would contact the AO at Kent immediately, explain the situation and submit the essay YOU wrote. You have done nothing wrong, and I’m certain Kent will understand, but if your Kent essay is also your Dads work, you need to rectify the situation. Since you have shared your story on a public form, it’s possible it could get back to Kent, so you need to take the initiative here. And tell Dad he needs to back off in the future!!


I just want to say thank you so much to everyone on this site who gave me guidance/advice and encouragement! I would have been so completely lost without CC.
I can’t believe it’s over. I will honestly miss chatting with you guys and frantically checking the CC prep school forum daily. You guys made the anxiety and emotional ups and downs of this whole process bearable.
Maybe it’s strange since we’ve never met, I feel like over these past few weeks and months I’ve gotten to know many fellow applicants on here fairly well, and I’m going to miss talking to you guys. I really hope that everyone ends up someplace that they will thrive.
Congratulations to everybody! Even if you were not accepted where you want to go, you are all still remarkable individuals who will go on to do great things.
I am so thankful for being a part of this community; you all are incredibly kind and supportive.
Also a HUGE thanks to the CC parents. Your help has been invaluable.
I hope to see some fellow applicants around the platform in the future - both when we’re applying to college and hopefully before then!


For anyone who received an acceptance to Choate which starts “Congratulations! You have been admitted as a Boarding student in the class of 2025 as a Scholar at Choate Rosemary Hall,” is there a paragraph at the end that says “your matriculation at Choate is contingent upon the successful completion of the current school year…” I haven’t seen “contingent” in any other acceptance letters.


Even if not explicitly stated, an acceptance to any school is conditional.


Congratulations skieurope, you made it to March 11th. Enjoy your 6 month long break once that one thread finally figures out whether they’re going to Exeter or Andover

Pretty sure there’s gonna be a should I go to A vs E thread very soon

lol same. got a packet from deerfield today but nothing from hill yet

Yes. I think that it is the standard letter. I would worry about it.

Thanks @owlfox9mom ! We thought we would just cross the bridge when M10 result comes out. Now, we have to start planning the next step forward.

what i learned today pt3:

  1. packages come on M11 lol.
  2. m10 is A LOT more stressful than u were prepared for.
  3. microwave popcorn is scary
  4. packages are cool
  5. bs’ are cool
  6. i love cc
  7. im gonna miss talking on this forum :sob:
  8. rejection is ok

Not only that, but it’s grossly intellectually dishonest on your Dad’s part.

It’s an insult to YOU, an insult to the process, and is frankly wrong on so many levels. He should be ashamed of himself.


It sounds as though Dad only substituted the essays for schools he liked/respected. Dad doesn’t like Kent. He wants @prepschool2021 “to just reapply to the best of the best next year.”

If my understanding of the situation is correct, then ironically the one application that Dad didn’t meddle with resulted in an acceptance letter.

Dad’s meddling could have been the reason that the other applications resulted in waitlists and rejections.