The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Ooh from what I’ve seen skiing is easier to learn but it’s harder to master. Snowboarding seems to be harder to learn. Maybe this is just the place I go to, but on the beginner slopes, there are a lot of snowboarders who fall and have to sit on the mountain waiting? I’m not really sure why, but they take a little longer to get back up.

I feel like with your experience snowboarding might be easier for you though. I roller bladed before skiing and found it a lot easier than some of my friends who were learning for the first time.

Hmm yea see that’s why I’m so torn on which to learn. I’ve also heard skiing is easier, but I have no prior experience related to that. However I can also rollerblade so maybe I would be a successful skier. I guess it’ll be a last minute decision for me and I’ll randomly decide lol.

Yeah, you can always just choose one then learn the other next time! You have a lot of time to learn

I have some skiing tips:

NEVER, I MEAN NEVER, cross your skis or else you go boom.

Don’t lean back. Leaning back is what causes you to fall backwards on the jumps (I’ve had plenty of those experiences, and they were not pleasant).

Don’t lean too forward either. This causes you to fall forward on the jumps (I’ve had issues with this lol). Balance your weight in the middle, but bend your knees.

To turn/carve, lean on your outer foot.

For a beginner, I would advise you to start easy by doing the typical snowplough. Then, gradually, you can ease your way into carving/parallel skiing.

P.S. Just so you know, for me, the ski boots are pretty unpleasant for the first time.

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I’m from the South, where it snows about once every 10 years, so I haven’t been able to go skiing. I do love ice skating though!

Thank you so much for the tips! I am so excited! I didn’t even think about ski boots I’m going to assume that comes with the skis when you rent them lol.

Yea me too, although we got some light flurries last week lol.

I absolutely love skiing, but if you’re a skateboarder snowboarding might be easier to pick up. IMO and from what I’ve heard, skiing is easier for complete beginners, but I tried snowboarding for the first time last year and I didn’t think it was exponentially harder to pick up. You will definitely fall more trying to snowboard than trying to ski, but that’s just part of figuring it out. Also, snowboarding boots are a lot more comfortable.
It depends what you’re trying to do though. If you’re going with a group, and other people are experienced, you will have a significantly easier time keeping up on skis. Snowboarding takes a ton of time to set up due to constantly having to undo and redo your boots. For skiing you can ‘slow plow’ (also called ‘pizza’ lol), which is when you ski with the tips of your skis together and the backs apart, forming a semi-triangle. Snow plowing is common for beginners until you get the hang of things, because it allows you to control your speed fairly well. If you’re with a group I definitely recommend skiing. Either way, have fun!

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Take lessons! Lots of places have a package for newbies that includes rentals and lessons and a lift pass (they know you won’t be all over the mountain. ) They have a vested interest in your enjoyment and progress – you’ll be back! They know how to get you going happily and quickly. Ime, much better than learning from friends.


My two cents:

Starting skiing is easier. Having watched lots of kids do this for the first time, it is much easier to get to the point where you are at least able to slowly follow the group on skis and kind of keep up.

One of my boys is good at both, and by far he prefers the board. I have a friend who used to ski a lot and was pretty good, but he has told me that since he started boarding he will probably never ski again because he likes it so much better. Also wakeboarding/skateboarding will help speed the process of learning to snowboard.

No real advice there, just some more data to consider.

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Counterpoint: snowboarding is far easier to become a legit intermediate where you can more or less make your way down anything safely. Skiing is much more difficult to get to that level.

Source: skiing for 45 years, snowboarding for 30.


What are we doing here??? Not discussing our irrational fears? Not discussing how elite these schools are? Not encouraging others to be super anxious and scared? We’re totally off topic!!!



Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, this thread is for casual conversation. Not everything has to be about boarding school. Check out the previous Freakout Threads.

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I think- or at least I hope, that @owkrfe was being sarcastic (at least that is how I took it). Sarcasm is very easily lost in the written word.

I agree. I took @owkrfe’s comment as sarcasm. I think that’s why they used bold/italic.

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Hello my dudes!

Long time no talk. Idk if some of you remember me, but I applied last year to a few schools (Exeter, Andover, Groton). The results? Not great. I applied to Exeter, Andover, Choate, Blair, Berkshire, Mercersburg, Governors and L’ville. I don’t expect much, but it was fun to apply again. Hope y’all are good!!

good luck!!! did you submit ssat scores?

Hey! I remember you (: Glad to see again and hope everything turns out well

Hi everybody!

I’ve just been casually lurking around here and there; nice to meet all of you fellow M10ers! I’m just another one in the pile of second-time applicants, currently applying for the class of '23 at Exeter, Andover, Choate, Deerfield, and Loomis Chaffee.

Last year, I applied to Exeter, Andover, and SOHS - was rejected at Exeter and SOHS, whilst waitlisted at Andover. I also applied as a late applicant to Choate and was successfully rejected!

As you can tell, I’m repeating my mistakes by ONLY applying to (far) reaches, whilst not applying to any matches/safeties. Honestly, I (hopefully) don’t really mind not getting in anywhere (for a second time) as I have a decent backup option (a.k.a my current day-school).

I notice a few familiar faces here from last year’s application season (great to see y’all again)!

Anyways, sorry for my (rather) long rambling.