The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Is it just me or am I really nervous about AOs catching cheating/faking ECs or whatever even if I didn’t fake anything like I’m just worried for no reason lol

Just wondering if anyone out there received any swag from schools lately or invitation for a “day at the school” with more swag on the mail before submitting applications and after.
I was told by an AO that is a sign that the school is interested in you.

This was discussed recently in the following thread:

(Invitations to sit-in on classes in J15-M10)

15 schools. Not for me. What sign?

Nope, because the SSAT is not offered where I currently live :frowning: But I’ve got a 4.66 GPA on a 4.0 scale so hopefully I pass the academic bar!!


Off topic but I’m back with more anime recommendations (gotta take advantage of a 4 day weekend amiright)

  • Hunter x Hunter
  • Love is War
  • Psycho-Pass
  • The Promised Neverland

Enjoy =D

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I love The Promised Neverland!!
Also, I have the whole week off so :sunglasses::sunglasses:

Hello everyone! I’m just an 8th grader applying for BS on the East Coast. I just wanted to say hope everyone is doing well and calm! Oklahoma got a TON of snow. :slight_smile:

Hello!! New Hampshire’s been getting a lot of snow too! It’s unfortunate we can’t have remote snow days ):

Haha. Here in NY we have been getting a good amount of snow too. My school is fully in person, so we’ve had 3 snow days, 2 of which were in a row. about 3 weeks till M10! good luck everyone :slight_smile:

Whatttt here in NJ the last snow was a week ago :0 we’ve just had rain lol

Hey!! I’m new to this thread but was just freaking out about M10 earlier (22 days away!). I have no clue what my results will be but I applied last year for ninth grade and got waitlisted at every school which was pretty disappointing lol. Hoping for better outcomes but who knows. I’ve gotten student of the year the past few years and the gifted school for my city and am in the IB program now. I got 91 percentile on my SSAT, have good ECs, a lot of good recs, and have won some national and international contests. The schools I’m applying to (Groton, St. Paul’s, Hotchkiss, Deerfield, Exeter) are so competitive so I’m thinking I’ll get rejected or waitlisted to all but ahhh we find out soon. I’m also a FA applicant and I’m hoping that won’t negatively affect my application. Any thoughts? My main concern is the competitive atmosphere at these schools cause I’m more relaxed and just like to have fun, but once again, I probably won’t get in. You all sound amazing and I’m hoping everyone gets in where they want to. Wishing everyone the best :)) Sorry for boring you if you’ve got this far

Don’t sweat about it, and don’t count yourself out when the results haven’t come in yet. You can do it!

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Has anyone gotten emails from current students from where you applied? I’ve had a student at L’ville and one from Hotchkiss send me an email. One went to my junk mail and the other was sent a few days before J15 so I completely forgot to respond to them until over a month after they were sent. That was almost two weeks ago and neither have replied to me. Of course I don’t blame them for not getting back to me after I took so long to respond, but I’m also freaking out that this was part of a ‘gauging interest’ thing, and they told the schools that I didn’t reply and that it will effect my chances. Am I being paranoid?

Also I’m curious if anyone knows roughly what percentage of applicants to the top schools are actually seriously considered. I mean, I think it’s fairly high but idk. I assume some get knocked off for low grades/SSAT and a few more have bad essays and bad teacher recs or other red flags that eliminate them from serious consideration. Just wondering if its 5% of applicants who have major red flags, or if its closer to 25%. Sorry if this is a dumb question lol.

I don’t think I did. Also, I don’t know about a specific number but I would say probably around 5-10% (probably failing any classes would be a no or an SSAT score lower than 60th percentile for the “toppest” schools but idk). In general though, especially because there are so many parts to the application, I think they look at the whole person and try to match your ‘fit’ to the school. More so for boarding schools than college, if they think someone will fit into the community better, they will choose that person over someone else. If I remember correctly, Groton and most likely all the schools have five broad criteria for applicants, being interest in learning, resilience, kindness, open-mindedness, and academic standard (or something along those lines; my interviewer mentioned them).

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That’s really interesting. I wasn’t aware of the ‘five criteria’ that you mentioned. I know that when the Harvard lawsuit came out they released their policy for evaluating applicants, so I’m wondering if boarding schools do something similar with category rankings. Of course its also possible that those are just things they keep in mind while reading applications. I wish there was more information out there on how they evaluate candidates for boarding school. If anyone is curious I attached a link to the Harvard thing below.

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I heard at a Ten Schools event an Andover AO say that 75% of applicants were qualified enough to be admitted. So just a rough estimate I suppose. (Which explains why if you aren’t admitted, know that it does not mean you aren’t awesome!)


twenty days until march 10!!


Time is going a little to fast for me… Do you guys have good options at home if your schools don’t work out