The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I don’t think so. I know that in some school districts where the “cut off date” for ages is different there are students who turn 16 in ninth grade. As long as you’re not entering as 16 it should be okay (and honestly even if you’re starting at 16 it’s probably fine).

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You won’t be the only 16 year old 9th grader, it is common to repeat grades. Good luck!

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I’m going to be repeating my sophomore year so don’t worry about it! I’m sure I wasn’t the only repeat who applied.

It feels weird to think that M10 was ONE week ago! Time goes by very slowly, yet very quickly…

for me it feels like it was years ago

I SWEAR it was like months ago

I was accepted and im honestly not sure if im going to go, but i would agree with that and i say im the exception here

why don’t you want to go?

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It has been a week and I am more amazed now than on M10 that my daughter was accepted to Deerfield. I am new to this site and to boarding schools so had no idea what this world was like! And honestly glad I didn’t know about this site before because it would have stressed me out even more LOL. She applied as a repeat Jr., excellent ACT, SAT scores, and grades. Several school clubs but no leadership roles. Gifted program. One highly focused arts area EC with exceptional talent. But comes from public school, needed lots of FA. Only applied to 3 schools. So amazed and thankful she got in! Congratulations to all who got in somewhere and keep trying to those who didn’t. We also had no clue about repeating a grade, but with Covid and an all cyber year and being young for her grade decided to go for it.


I’m not sure if its the right place for me, and currently i’m trying to decide between exeter and some other schools like hotchkiss, choate… that i was also accepted into, so im trying to make a decision but currently im not sure. And neither of my parents care because the whole process was lead by me and they both don’t know much about it.

That’s a very mature way of thinking. I applaud you for that. Do you mind me asking which grade you applied for and if you are an international applicant?

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Okay thank you but will colleges say anything about it?

If you don’t mind me asking will you also be repeating?

9th grade and yes im applying from Australia which i think made me stand out but also showed that it was my idea if that makes sense.

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I will not be repeating. I am old for my grade, but I actually skipped 8th grade, then had to move schools, and repeated ninth this year. So I guess I skipped a grade, then repeated one. But I won’t be repeating at BS. Hahaha idk if how I wrote that made any sense.

Oh ok that makes sense lol

Nope. It is very common.

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You could try Asheville School. A lot of my daughters friends will be there.

me too :frowning:

do boarding schools still ask for transcripts after you’ve gotten into them?