The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread


how bad would grades have to be to get rescinded?

If you’re getting a B, you have nothing to worry about

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so what would they have to be to get rescinded?

Idk so i’m just speculating - I would assume a gpa below 2.5 for the grading period after you were accepted. Probably depends on the school and the circumstances though. Unless you’re failing any classes I wouldn’t worry too much. If you’re normally a straight A student and your grades drop down to C’s the school(s) you were accepted to may want an explanation.

Just to reiterate though, I really don’t have a clue. If you’re overly concerned that it will become an issue try reaching out to the school.

Geez, Freakout thread is properly named for this thread. Way too many hypotheticals about grades post acceptance and the possibility of a rescinded admission. Time to chill. Keep your normal study habits and you will be fine.

I feel like this time, as sad as it can be for some of us, is kinda wholesome? It feels like we’re coming together as a community to help each other out. Idk I really like it

Also I’ve been going to some Westover webinars and I’m starting to really see myself going there!!! I’m honestly so excited (much more than I was a week ago) and I think I’ve gotten over my waitlists at my first choice schools now so that’s also super awesome.

How have you guys been doing?


great!!! so happy to hear that you are loving Westover!!! I think you would have a great time there :hugs:

It’s so good to hear that!!! Westover really is a great school (my friend goes there and loves it). And I second what you said in your first paragraph as well :blush:

That’s great to hear! Congrats on westover! Agree with everything you said. It’s so strange how a week ago i was freaking out over getting waitlisted, now excited for the school I’m going to.


Oh wow! Two weeks have passed since M10…

Is it just me or is time flying these days?


Definitely not just you!!

Time is definitely flying! I am stressed since it’s almost April. Has anyone decided/committed yet?

Ugh. No. Still tearing our hair out trying to decide “fit”


Same. (Argh!!)


I have. I’m officially a Choatie now!



congrats that’s awesome!!

Same I think I have finally narrowed it down to 2/3 options which is good! In my opinion I basically have 2 different vibes and then an option in the middle of the 2. However I have no idea which is my best fit.