The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

@mondaydevil I’m so happy that you are loving Westover so much!! It seems like a special bunch of young women there! My daughter joined for part of that zoom the other night but had robotics to get to. We are going to visit campus over spring break. :).

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I got in but I am not sure if I am going to go!

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I just finished the NMH tour. It was awesome even though the weather was horrible.


Okay so… 3 weeks have passed since M10!

And yes, it may sound like I’m sorta spamming by commenting this every week, but seriously, I’m starting to freak out on how fast time has been passing. Each succeeding week since M10 has passed quicker and quicker.

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This is random, but I just had a call with one of the Andover AOs, and he already knew where else I had gotten accepted, even though we didn’t share that information. From this I’m assuming that AOs across different schools have more interaction with each other than I thought. Still, it was a bit odd. Might be a dumb question, but does anyone know if schools notify each other when they admit the same applicant?

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Wow, this is news. Maybe the ten schools share information? I don’t remember signing anything allowing schools to share information though.

They do not.

that is…a little strange.

Yeah… I thought it was odd too

Did you work with a school counselor or educational consultant who may have told the AO which schools accepted you?

Did you apply for financial aid?
If you do, then the schools can see all the other schools you apply to.

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Does them knowing where else you applied do anything?

Wait are you serious? How is that possible?

The AO at one of the schools where my DS was accepted told us she saw my Instagram post about where he got in (I’d tagged him and also used the school’s admissions hashtag).

that just sounds like a privacy breech

I have a public account and used the school’s hashtag. There was no expectation of privacy.

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oh ok

I saw you commented on my post from Dec 2019. Congrats on getting into Exeter and Andover! I also saw your comment on Andover as your #1. Do you have an update about if you’ve made a final decision?

hi everyone!!! i decided to choose hill!!!


That’s awesome! So excited for you!!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: