The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

thanks!!! have you made a decision yet?

I did not have an educational consultant or apply for financial aid. I’m assuming that lists of accepted students are passed around on the down-low between different school’s AOs. I’d imagine that the BS world is small enough for them all to know each other fairly well.

@lilyesh and @Knocker379
I haven’t officially made any decisions yet, however, I am leaning towards Andover. I am actually currently in Exeter with my mom to look at schools. Anyone have suggestions for where to look around campus, or in the town?

What makes you think he knew where you had admissions offers? Did he actually say that specifically? I would be very surprised if they swap that info, if nothing else because honestly…they don’t have that kind of time right now.
Regarding someone who mentioned posting it on IG and then the AO knowing, of course that is a whole different thing. (But also: posting acceptances outside of just posting where you are attending sounds a bit off to me, so maybe I misunderstood the situation?)

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Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful experience. You deserve it!

thanks so much!

Yes, he said so specifically. I would not be surprised (nor does it really take any time), if the AO from one school emailed or texted the AO from another school their list of accepted students.

Congratulations @lilyesh !

I don’t think posting “SO excited for DS! He’ll be attending X or Y this fall!” is “off.” People know his sibling is at BS so we get asked all the time about his plans. Plus we were excited to share good news.

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thank you!

It’s always hard to know what is social media news and what is news for close friends outside of SM. Sounds like I did misunderstand — it sounded to me like a full list of acceptances. I personally think posting a list of acceptances is not great but when you get down to two options, maybe that is totally social media worthy. Everyone has their own values on this kind of thing.

But back to the OP, I still think it’s unlikely that AOs are swapping info in general about candidates, because even if it were just a quick text (“no time at all”) times 10 schools times number of accepted students — I mean that clearly cannot be the general MO. (And I’m setting aside the horrible ethics of that.)

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yay! i hope you enjoy your time there!

thanks sm! Will you be going to kent?

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not sure yet. i’ve got applications in a few other schools. i’ll commit to kent a10 if i haven’t heard back yet.

nice. what schools?

cushing, aiglon college, and beau soleil

where are the last 2? never heard!

switzerland. only applied for the IB program, also to avoid the JFK airport😂

haha i live very close to jfk so it’s never an issue for me :laughing: won’t be flying anywhere tho

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you’re so lucky that you won’t have to fly anywhere. i’m worried that i’ll get lost in an airport. the flight to switzerland is just DC-Geneva. nothing too overwhelming since my parents are able to go to the airport with me in DC.