The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Who would want to improve their Swiss German anyhow?

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In the region each school is in, it seems like German is the “main” language. However, English is also common according to my interview with Aiglon since the school is in a touristy area.

Edit: I do agree that French would be the better language since the schools have you take French language and literature.

Edit 2: I should’ve asked what language they speak in the area during my interview. After a deeper search I found that French is the correct language. Basic German may be useful since the schools have you travel some.

Both are in the canton of Vaud, where French is the sole official language.

You wouldn’t. If wanting to improve, standard high german if the way to go for more universal comprehensions amongst german speakers.

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Yeah for some reason I was thinking of a different city that a different school I was considering is located.

Since English is taught in Swiss schools from the minute kids enroll, you don’t even “need” to learn the local language. But of course, it’s always polite to (attempt to) speak in the native language. I spent two years in Lugano, Switzerland (the Italian part of the country) in college and it was amazing. If you have the chance to go to a Swiss school, I highly recommend it!! I ended up taking Italian and German while I was there, though I’ve forgotten almost all of it. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Yeah, I want to learn the native language for my French class as well since French is a grad. requirement. I’ve heard that some students prefer speaking their mother-tongue so I suppose knowing some French could help.

You’re so lucky you got to spend two years in Lugano! I went to Gva, Bern, Zurich, and Lugano a few summers ago and Lugano was so beautiful!

And thank you for keeping your fingers crossed! I hope I get into one of the Swiss schools! Although, I may transfer after finishing my IGCSEs if I feel that I won’t like the IB program after seeing it more in-depth.

I spent many summers in Lugano in my youth. Beautiful area.


Isn’t IGCSE 9th and 10th grade? I thought that IB doesn’t start until 11th anyway.

IB has different programs. My school does IBPYP, IBMYP, and IBDP.

Oh, okay. My school only did IBDP, so you had to complete igcse’s before starting it. Thx for explaining!

igcse is 10th and 11th but 10th is mainly mocks and preps

IGCSE typically falls under year 10 and 11, in the UK system (which goes to Year 13).

In the US Curriculum, that equates to Grade 9 and 10.

In some cases u can do the igcse in 1 yr

Yes, IGCSE, itself, is nothing more than a standardized exam (much like the AP and A Levels).

There is, officially, no concrete requirement to appear for an exam (especially as a private candidate). It’s just that most schools take two years to prepare their pupils. Some may take one year, others may also take 3-4 years.

You would get very odd looks if you speak high German as opposed to Swiss German. They can understand you, but if you don’t speak Swiss German I’d just speak French.
Hope you get a chance to go to CH.

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me too. I love Monte Bre and Gandria. And I think every town should have a funicular if it has hills.

This is true, but I’d see the program much clearer. My local IB school doesn’t have much information about their specific program to anybody but the current students.

I know the chances are low, but if I get off the Lawrenceville waitlist, should I go or stick to Middlesex?

i would love the school that loves you, but that’s just my pov.
