The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Yeah, I’m fortunate to have two really good day school options. I’m still crazy nervous about M10 though. I’m hate waiting, and I just want to know the results, even if I was rejected everywhere.

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Yeah. Honestly, if I don’t get in, I’d be somewhat fine with that (well maybe after a month of sadness). I have a local public school that I believe I can benefit from, and I have my other activities that I’m invested in. Boarding school isn’t my only goal in life. Plus, I can apply again next year! :smiley: Best of luck to you, and everyone else!

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It is so hard because sadly I have no good options home. Hopefully I made a good impression on the admissions team :slight_smile:

I think you’ll get in somewhere! Your stats are awesome! Good luck! :grin:

That’s all you ! Hopefully we meet someday ( You also seem really funny )

That’s tough. I agree with @Jasmino1233 though, your stats seem really good, so hopefully you’ll get some acceptances! Best of luck with everything!

Hopefully because I did not apply to 12 schools for nothing ! lol Good luck to all of you !

Wow, twelve schools? Honestly I don’t see how you could not get in, unless you applied to all super super selective schoos

Wow! Applying to 12 schools is an accomplishment itself lol. I doubt I could’ve done that. Honestly, I think it would be incredibly surprising if you don’t get in somewhere. I’m sure you’ll have some options after M10!

Honestly the schools are pretty selective lol,only school that isn’t really selective is Cushing. Check my Chance me to see the schools :joy:

Honestly shocked I did it because I only really started in Late November haha , hoping for good news on M10 for all of us!

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Can’t wait until M10, and best of luck to all of you guys!

I just found out that I got into the local day school I was applying to (!!!), which is a really awesome school, so I’m hoping that means I’ll be less disappointed if I get rejected or waitlisted.


Any suggestions on how to be positive and encouraging to your child who gets into their schools, but doesn’t get enough financial aid? (I have a sinking feeling that might happen). We’ve talked about it ahead of time. She already knows she got into one school which has rolling admissions, but we haven’t heard about FA yet.

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As to @asalomark, here’s what I would want. First, see if the schools can offer any more financial aid than they awarded. If this isn’t possible, see if there’s anything you can do in your area. Whether that be enroll in a new school for the following year (probably too late for that), or even just go out and make it the best day possible to show your child that home isn’t the absolute worst place. The last thing I’d recommend would be much later on, but find even more schools to apply to in the next cycle. Specifically ones that are very generous with FA.

Hi @asalomark,
I applied to several schools this year with rolling admissions and I’ve gotten three decisions so far. One was an accept but a WL for FA, I was accepted at another school with not enough FA, and then finally I was accepted to a school with a FA package that covers my family’s entire need. So a very wide range of experiences!
Congratulations on your daughter’s acceptance! I believe that if a school wants you then they will do their best to make things work in terms of FA. I’m not a parent but I will say that in case your daughter finds herself with not enough FA to be able to attend then just emphasize that she cleared the hurdle, and she deserves to be proud of herself even if BS can’t be a reality.
That situation really sucks is the only thing I know for certain. But if your list is targeted and you have applied to a wide range of schools then it likely won’t happen. It’s a very good sign that your daughter has been accepted. I’m sure that at least one school will come through for your family!
I’m sorry that I don’t have more advice to offer.

Congrats @nonbinarywood!!!
It’s great that you have that option.

@nonbinarywood Congrats!!! Let’s hope for some more good news on M10!

This is something I have been very upfront with my D about. She doesn’t know the exact number (I don’t know the exact number honestly), but she knows that she not only needs to get admitted but that there needs to be fairly substantial aid to go with it. So she is prepared that there may be a hollow victory M10. In truth I think that is less likely that I have led her to believe, but I know it is a possibility and I want her to be mentally prepared for that.


I agree FA is soo tricky. My sister is at Exeter right now and luckily has an amazing package. IF you get in to one of the top schools with such a large endowment, it’s likely they’ll give you what they think you need based off of the forms (which isn’t always enough but usually a lot). Hoping everyone is awarded what they need :crossed_fingers: