The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Congrats @nonbinarywood! In Oklahoma, there are more farms than schools in the area I live in :sweat_smile:. I really want to branch out from where I currently live.

I’m going completely insane. I keep thinking of different M10 possibilities. This morning I looked at the date and thought to myself 19 days until decisions, then proceeded to pull up the calendar app on my phone and count the days out just in case. Please tell me I’m not the only one already freaking out. I’m not even nervous about what the results actually are, I just want to know, and I really hope I got in at least one place. Hahaha patience has never been my strong suit.


IKR!! I’m literally imagining either screaming with joy on March 10th, or crying in disappointment (well, maybe not crying, but definitely bummed out). I’m sort of scared that I’ll be too sad to do anything because I do have something important on March 18th, and I really want to do well. But if I do get rejected, I think I might be somewhat relieved? I mean, I REALLY want to get in, but at the same time, I’m worried about the workload and all that. I’ve gone insane. I can’t wait 19 days.

Yeah, I totally get it. I really hope I get in, but at the same time there’s also a part of me that wouldn’t mind if I didn’t. If I’m rejected there are 10 million things that I won’t have to worry about.
As well as M10 scenarios, I keep thinking about where I will be in a year from now, and what that will be like. Talk about getting ahead of myself. I hateeeeeeee the waiting part.
I’m also really hoping that they don’t decide last minute to push back the decisions release date. I applied to a summer program two years ago that sent out an email pushing back the release date a month the day before the original date.

You all sound like great people, and I’m sure there will be a happy ending to our application season.

freaks out over M10
I also have a lot of scenarios, but most of it is just “hEy lOoK iTs oKaY iF yOu dOn’T gEt iN… rIgHt?” lolol gotta get ready for all of dem rejections amiright (I’m cringe)

Guys I’m so excited for the week of M10

I’m super pumped about actually getting my decisions but also I’m going back in person to school again that week!! And all of my friends are in my cohort so I’m so excited for that. AND I can go back to the studio I used to take lessons from back last year!!! TWO WEEKS GUYS

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Wow that’s great!! :grin::grin:

Questions: I found out that Hotchkiss doesn’t allow “gaming equipment” and “screens over 27"” in their dorms

Is this the same at most other boarding schools? If so, does a PC count as gaming equipment (because I also have other uses like homework, rendering projects, coding, etc.), and by “screens” do they mean the combined length of screens can’t surpass 27" or each individual screen?

At Hotchkiss you won’t need a PC since they give every incoming student a laptop.

It’s so close! For some reason, I’m much calmer than I thought I would be. What about you guys?

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I’m trying to stay positive. Well… at least I now have in-person school to worry about!

I am sure it varies a lot by school. Kiddo (Cate) built a gaming desktop at school with his friends (last year - as a soph) and he brought his own gaming equipment. While in quarantine in their rooms, they played a lot with it (networked). For class he uses his laptop but uses his desktop for homework.

His room last year was tiny, like small for a single but he had a roommate tiny, and the boys on the hall all gathered in there bc of the gaming anyway. They had the one screen on a dresser. This year he has a bigger room but a tiny desk - there is still only room for one screen.

Many schools have a policy that 9th graders can’t have gaming equipment, but that loosens up. Some have gaming equipment in the dorm lounges. The handbooks will spell it all out.

I can’t believe m10 is in almost 2wks, i wonder what goes on inside the admissions room.

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What’s up with the new fonts and logo? Didn’t they just change the platform? What do you guys think of the new graphics?

Yea this is kinda weird, there has been so many changes .Its not any thing too crazy for me tho

I know, but I think a PC will be able to handle more video/rendering/gaming work than a MacBook (just based on specs)


It still feels as if M10 is far away. Frankly, I’m not that worried because I have so many other immediate things to worry about. I’m still counting down the days though lol. 16 days left.

Just wondering if by now decision are made? I guess that in many cases the AO is not the interviewer. At three TSAO schools this year, I was interviewed by teachers that were not involved in the admission.

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