The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

TSAO decisions are made on March 10th, hence the term M10. You still have 16 days till decisions are out.

M10 is when the decisions are out. I am wondering if by approximately when they decide internally.

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Oh! Sorry! I have no idea lol.

I have no idea but I would assume that the applicant pool has been fairly narrowed by now, but not yet finalized.

Yeah I think so too. I’m so nervous. I’m just thinking like what if I already got rejected lol.

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lol the people who are rejected never know how close they were to acceptance, and those who were accepted never know how close they were to rejection. Good luck to everyone and I hope that you get good news on M10!


I literally count the minutes till M10. I’m so freaked out!


I would assume the NO pile is already complete. And then there is probably a large pool who they really have to debate between wait listing or accepting. What’s the deciding factor that tips the scale towards yes…that’s the big unknown. But agree that they probably have their lists 99% done at least a week out

One way to see if the school has reviewed your application yet is to check the views for your EC video, and see who viewed them. If they viewed them, then they’re probably reviewing your application, or have already viewed your application. Don’t stress about it if they haven’t viewed them though.

I actually didn’t submit any!

After decisions, are applicants allowed to reach out and ask why they were rejected? I’m assuming not, but if anyone has had experience with this please let me know. If I’m rejected everywhere, I’d be curious to understand how I can improve. Of course I don’t mean right away, as I’m sure the few weeks post M10 are crazy for AOs, but once the dust settles is this a possibility? Would they actually respond?

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I’ve heard of people asking on how they could improve their application, but when I asked one of the schools (Exeter) they didn’t respond.

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Which schools do you guys plan on opening first? I don’t knowwww!!

Honesty whichever ones come in first lol. I don’t have to patience to wait and decide on an order! Also, I want to find out before my parents check so that they don’t feel like they have to “break the news”.

Honestly thats one reason why I’m super glad my parents arent too invested in the process this year. I can open the decisions when they come out then tell my parents when I recover from the decision

And I’ll probably open MPS first since it comes out first

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Whats the M10

March 10, when many decisions come out

that’s like 2 weeks

and btw can you chance me