The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

You mean… since they build the laptop cost into tuition. :sweat_smile:


Except all students’ education is subsidized by the school (as I am sure you know). The actual cost of educating kids is something like $80,000 - $100,000 (a wide gap, but right now I can’t remember the actual figure).

DD is super sad her DS can’t be home for Spring Break to open decisions with her. So, she is waiting to open decisions with him via FaceTime when he gets out of class. She said it wouldn’t be right if the entire family weren’t together, as this affects us all.
Sometimes, I really love that girl…


I see you everywhere here! Best wishes to your daughter and I hope she gets into her schools. I wouldn’t be able to wait to open decisions lol.

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Thank you! She was part of this process when her big brother went through it 4 years ago. They are very close, so I can understand why she would want to wait. I think we will take her out for a breakfast or something to pass the time until he is out of class…Luckily it is on his short day, so I think he will be done before noon our time.
Good luck to you!

I’m not sure it this fits here but does anyone know what schools have a scholar program?

Choate and Loomis come to mind. Miss Porter’s and other all-girls schools have merit scholarships but I don’t think they could be considered scholars programs.

Choate ,loomis,st Paul’s ,and Hotchkiss

Lolol I have a “wheel of clownery” that I borrowed off of a guy on YouTube. Assuming I don’t accidentally check anything too early I’m going to be using that =P

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Depends on the times they come. If they all come early, or near the same times, I’m opening them in: Exeter, St. Paul’s School, Choate, Andover. Definitely not opening Andover first because I know I’m getting rejected there. Also, if I open a rejection, at least I won’t be sulking till the next decision comes out.

Edit: Actually, I’ll open Andover first because it will hurt less if I know that I’m getting rejected there.

Yeah, I really want to get into Andover so I’ll open it second. Taft comes at midnight so I’ll open it before I sleep.

Just adding to the conversation about choosing when to open which school. I think many schools or AO sent “congratulations” emails shortly after sending the portal alerts so we couldn’t help but see these emails in our phone notifications with the words “congratulations” or “welcome to XYZ school!” in the subject line. We ended up finding out some good news before we intended to.
I guess what I’m saying is: prepare for your emails to be blowing up a bit and prepare for some of the good news to crash into your field of vision, rather than it patiently awaiting your carefully curated portal opening plans.
(Side note: Andover – we did NOT get any of those emails so we did have to open the portal to find out DD was admitted.). (But both Deerfield and Hotchkiss we found out because our AO’s emailed congratulations notes.)

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I think I’m going to wait until the end of the school day (or crack and doing it during a study hall, we’ll see) and do Andover, then Milton, then Exeter. Aaaaa I’m really scared though.

Do you have better chances if you don’t apply for FA? Exeter, Choate, Hotchkiss, Lawrenceville.

I think so, but I’m not someone who’s gone through all of this before so I can’t be absolutely sure.

Yes, unfortunately. School’s have a limited FA budget and only a certain amount of students who can recieve that FA. It’s a much more selective group of applicants. Plus, full pay students are directly helping the school by paying tuition, while FA students can’t do that.

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Do they email the admissions decisions to both the student and parent?

I would assume so. Only one of my notifications (so far) have been announced to be though email and they specified that notifications would be sent to both parents and students.

But even if they didn’t specify, all of the emails I’ve received this year from boarding schools have been sent to both students and parents (and some to just parents but) so I think it would make sense for the decision to be sent to both. Plus, parents are a huge part of the admissions process so I wouldn’t see why you wouldn’t incude them in the decision.

2 weeks!

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I’m so excited, but my mom is getting really nervous the closer we get to M10. Anyone else way calmer than their parents?