The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I’m so so so so so nervous!!! And not confident lol.
Bruh Andover literally only watched 48 sec of my video but they watched it 6 times (why did they watch it 6 times???)??? Pretty sure I’m getting rejected.
I know Choate watched my videos, and Exeter too (4 times throughout the span of 90 days. They watched the whole thing), BUT MY VIDEOS ARE SO BADDDDDDDDDD. I’M DEFINITELY GETTING REJECTED but I really hope I get in. Maybe a miracle can happen?
I don’t know if St. Paul’s School did or not but I don’t think so lol.

I think they just didn’t have time to watch the whole thing, and plus watching it 6 times probably means they really like it lol
Not an AO but I think you’re definitely at least in the “considering acceptance” phase AND YOU’RE NOT GETTING REJECTED AND YOUR VIDEOS AREN’T BAD LOL

HEY YOU! You’re getting in!!! They probably didn’t get to your application yet!!! You’re getting in ok!!! Stay confident girl!


Dude imagine class of 2026 reading this thread lol.

imagine me rereading this thread next year and cringing at me being cringe

I’m applying to SPS too! Are you a dancer?

I can’t sleep at night lol

Nope. I’m a skier and SPS has a ski team. Epic. I’m also a violinist (and a terrible pianist).

It’a my 5th year applying to a private school. It’s probably gonna be my last if I don’t get in. I really really hope I make at least one school!

Good luck to you!! I really wish you the best of luck!! :DDDDDDDDD

Sound like we’re in the same boat except im the student ,wishing you all the best on m10!

I probably will make a decision reaction video and probably post it for future applicants to obsess over bc I definitely would do the same if I found a video like that


Best of luck to everyone! Oh and also @Jasmino1233 I’m a flautist and a terrible pianist as well :smiley:

same here :joy:

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Felt.I’m a cellist, violist, violinist. and am not the best at viola and violin but I excel at cello which is the only instrument i dont have at home so I couldn’t send a video.

What are you guys’ top choices? Mine is either SPS or Choate. I’m a dancer, and I really love SPS’s dance program. The location is really nice, and I love their curriculum. I don’t think I’ll get in there though :frowning: However, Choate has the JFK program, which I’m interested in, and the Arts Concentration Program. Also, I was able to visit and I loved Wallingford, so I guess we’ll just see how it goes.

My top choices are Andover,Loomis , and Taft mostly bc i feel like I would fit in there well and they have everything I want in a school.

My favorites are probably Loomis, Andover, Lville, Choate, Hotchkiss, and Exeter.

My top choices are Andover and SPS. I really like how Andover is super rigorous but the students don’t seem as high strung as other places. SPS has some programs that I’m interested in and I like that it’s not super small (for boarding school standards), but is still in a really nice, somewhat secluded location.

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