The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I really hope 5th times the charm!!

i’m so nervous. my video was only sent to hkiss and it has 4 views. i hope that is good. the average duration is 43 seconds out of the minute. they watched it once right after i sent it in, probably to see if it worked. then 3 times after that. if my math is correct, they watched it 3 times for the almost the full minute (57 seconds) and once for a second.

Ugh I have a Chinese quiz on M10, a huge history test on March 11th (and an essay due), and a math test on the 12th. Could the timing be any worse lol? I guess that’s what coffee is for. Either way, I’m gonna be really distracted.

AIME is on m10!

Ugh that sucks. I assume you’re taking it? Are you going to put of opening decisions until after?

I just looked at my semester 2 schedule for March. I have 2 tests on m10🙄.

Seriously, who schedules a test on a Wednesday?


Is it just me or are M9 vibes >>> M10 vibes?

At least I felt that to be the case last year, and for some odd reason, I feel like it’ll be the same this year lol.

P.S: My favourite time is that feeling when it hits midnight on M10!


Yeah that actually makes sense. I think it’s because you know the waiting is practically over, but since you still don’t know the actual results there’s nothing to be upset (or happy) about yet. It’s like a little bit of calm between the anxiety of waiting and the anxiety of knowing.

i probably won’t be able to sleep lol, but it really depends on when decisions come out and what decisions come out. I’d either stay up till 12 am, then get up for school, or sleep early (9pm or earlier) then get up around 6 am.

I’m going to ask my parents if I can go remote for M10 so I can check results in school…that’s a little sketch though and I’m not sure I’m allowed to just be online for a day without an excuse. btw we are fully in person so it’s harder to be online when you want to be.

Oof that’s a tough situation. Hopefully the schools will release decisions before you go to school and maybe you can check then?

My school uses Wednesdays for cleaning the school building so thankfully, I don’t have school at all on M10

No way!

Lucky!! Good luck to you!

Istg, the next 2 weeks are going to be the longest 2 weeks of my life. I legit don’t see myself getting more than a waitlist at each of the schools I applied to.


Too bad >:((

you’re so lucky!

wait. how do you go remote if you’re at school daily? do y’all just sit on computers doing work at school?

we have full time remote learners, so all our classes are live-streamed.

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That’s lucky. I’m in school all day, and I don’t have the option of remote learning. I’ll probably have my parents send me screenshots of the decisions or something so I can see ASAP