The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I’m not predicting anything in case it doesn’t happen.


that’s a mood

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Andover: DEFINITE Rejection (I messed up part of my application)
Exeter: Waitlist/Rejection (acceptance is a long shot for me)
St. Paul’s School: Waitlist/Rejection (they waitlist the majority of people)
Choate Rosemary Hall: Rejection

Also I’m not being pessimistic. I’m being real.

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Realistically I have no idea what’s going to happen because I do not know what goes on inside the admissions room :sob:. However,I will be speaking positive affirmations into to existence.


omgg same to you!! Wishing everyone the best!

For me:

St. Paul’s: waitlisted
Groton: accepted (idk about this but I’m really hoping I get in cause I’ve shown a lot of interest two years in a row and my interviewer has kept in touch with me)
Exeter: accepted (mainly bc sibling and they’re the least likely to decline you cause of FA but ehhh)
Hotchkiss: rejected
Deerfield: waitlisted (I applied to sps and Deerfield last year and got waitlisted but otherwise I would say rejected ahaha)

lmaoo we’ll all find out very soon anyways

So since I don’t want to put accept/waitlist/reject on any of my predictions just in case they come true (or they don’t) I’ve been grouping my schools into probably getting in, maybe getting in, and probably not getting in.

Probably getting in: Putney, MPS (optimistically), Brooks, Westover
Maybe getting in: St. Mark’s, NMH, Concord Academy
Probably not getting in: Hotchkiss, Middlesex

I think the reason I don’t want to put accept/waitlist/reject is because I feel like the schools in my maybe pile could go either way and I don’t want to jinx it lol. Maybe I’m too superstitious

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Good luck! I see you everywhere lol

LMAO yeah I have notifications turned on for this entire category so I’m always online

Also thanks!!! Good luck to you too

I just found this old thread and I think it’s pretty intresting. If anyone is curious to read essays of previously accepted students there are a fair amount posted in here.

Ooooh that’s an interesting thread. I just read through a few and they’re really good. Do you want to revive it for this year after M10? I’m afraid of the possibilities for plagiarism but I don’t think you can really steal an essay that’s so personal like these are.

I’m not sure how I feel about posting essays online, but towards the bottom of that thread people were posting them for a finite amount of time (usually an hour), then removing it so it wasn’t permanently up there. I would be more open to that, but I’m still a bit hesitant.

Also, this is unrelated, but I read in the 2015 freakout thread that there’s apparently an old thread walking through how AOs evaluate applicants. They didn’t link it though. If anyone sees this or another thread like it, would you mind posting it here?

If it’s not obvious, I’m going insane lol.


Don’t post essays online. Not for an hour. Not for a minute. Deleted posts are not really deleted.


I agree, I’m not comfortable with posting any of my essays, but I read through some of those and found it very interesting. Seeing others didn’t boost or harm my confidence (or lack of) because I have no idea who I’m competing against. Did you guys write titles though?

I didnt… Were we supposed to?

I just read the essays and wow! They’re really good!! They definitely deserved to get in!! I wish I could write like that!!

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I don’t think so. There was no space for writing a title. I didn’t write one cuz I was already tight on characters.

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Just 12 days left! We can all do it!


yeah no lolI didn’t either. I just saw some of the others had ones, but I definitely think it doesn’t matter.