The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

nope ): my middle school is quite literally falling down around us, we were basically poisoned a few years ago, and there’s been multiple school shooting threats. And my local high school is all that with extremely high dropout rates. Sorry that was a bit ranty but I just really want to get away from that school district


I’m honestly so nervous about M10. Constantly feeling like my stats aren’t good enough even though lots of people told me that they’re fine :neutral_face: I hope everyone gets good news next week!

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Nobody I know of is applying from the country I currently am in this year.

Fun Fact: If I were to get into Exeter (and choose to matriculate there), I’d be the first person to do so from my country since 2009.

Wow, that’s really cool! Mind if I ask what country you’re from?


Nice! That’s a part of the world I really want to travel to. One of my best friends has a ton of family there.

Oh wow; that’s cool to hear!

My school is about in the middle, not nationally ranked but not horrible either. Only a few other people from the area (not including nearby Lawrenceville/Princeton) are applying lol


yeah nope. some people think I’m crazy lmao they don’t understand how amazing these schools are

a lot of ppl have a negative view on boarding school

Yeah. When I told my friends, most of them assumed it was like military school and were really confused.

im applying 9th to 10th for choate. i have a good feeling about my app but I’m also scared I’m not enough

Exactly! I feel the same way

Don’t worry too much. I think everyone’s scared especially because of how much the applicant pool has increased this year. Be confident in yourself but if you don’t get in, just try again next year and don’t get mad at yourself.

I am kind of worried though… I accidentally cloned my soccer section in my candidate profile so where there’s a second thing shown I wrote writing with like my soccer position and soccer level. I’m such a dullard

Hey, I cut out some info from my app and had to email all the schools to fix it so you’re fine :wink:

thats what im freaking out about i didnt email the schools about it at all

i only emailed groton because the guy was so chill and he asked me about it first but i caught this mistake like late february

if it’s the same thing in multiple places it will just reiterate how good you are. I would be more concerned if you left something out