The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

i put varsity “writing”

choate admissions office if you’re reading this rn I’m sorry :pensive:

ohh I see. It’ll be fine. If you’re good in other areas I doubt they would reject you based on one mistake

Yeah thanks for the encouragement I had insomnia for a week over that one thing

If it makes you feel any better I forgot to mention I was a published writer in my SAO applications:)

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…I just realized that I did too…wow.

I wrote two sentences in my “why SPS” essay about how I would be a contributing member to their swim team. Found out after submitting that they don’t have one. Also, SPS is my first choice (but now I don’t think I’ll get in because that makes it look like I didn’t research the school). I think (hope?) that mistakes are pretty common in apps, so hopefully it will be okay.

SPS is my first choice too, and it was my worst interview :pensive:

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Yeah, my first interview was with a school I really like, and in retrospect, I did not do well…

Yup sadly. There’s this one person from my school who applied and he has WAY better stats than me. The only advantage I have over him is my violin playing.

Andover is my first choice, and my interview was the worst out of all of the others.

That was me with my top school

Exeter lost my application which is so weird …

How does that happen? Are they letting you “reapply?”

Oh, thanks for unlocking a new fear of mine

Back when I was applying to BS, Exeter contacted my dad and said they lost my application. My dad had to keep a straight face while telling them that I did not apply.


They’re looking into it so I don’t know right now.

I hope everything works out!

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8 more days!!!

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My grades are already suffering in my filler classes. This wait is making schoolwork so hard to do.

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Ikr! :sob:

Argh, I really want to complete my work, however, the wait is making it that much harder lmao.

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