The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Me neither, I’m assuming they don’t send any.

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No, but on their portal I have everything checked off

I didn’t

Ah okay; thanks!

What’s everyone’s favorite thing about their top choice school?

I don’t have a top top choice bc Id be happy if i got into one school but I love Andover.My favorite thing about Andover is how down to earth the students are and how nice they are :slight_smile:

I will not be participating in this because I don’t want to jinx anything

Weren’t we at like 500 posts two days ago?

Lmao yeah :joy:

lmaoo the CC group chat already has 180 posts so if we didn’t have that we would be at 1000 posts already


Their dance program, school location, and school size!

Idk why but I feel awfully nervous, upset, and excited at the same time for M10.


my feeling too exactly! plus uncertainty (are we really that close???)

Same, @Jasmino1233, same…

yep! same

I am excited for M10 but am also scared but I only want to be giving positive energy into the universe lol


Yup. I’ve been keeping up with daily affirmations just in case


Ooh, what kind of affirmations are you doing?

Do you guys think college admissions is harder or easier than prep school admissions