The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

You applied in 2017? Did you end up in BS?

I got my math wrong for the original. I forgot they started HS in 2015. My math started them in 2016🤦‍♂️

Buuzn03 is a mom and her son is at St. Mark’s (I think he’s a senior now and applied in 2017?)

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Ohhh. Thanks for clarifying

Yep-- you are correct @mondaydevil He is a senior and his M10 was in 2017 (so he started app process in 2016) and exactly 4 years ago we were going through this same angst.

Fast forward and now I am doubling up with his college app year and my DD’s BS app year. So I am back in the M10 boat, which will be followed by a March 30 - April 6 boat, it seems like.

I can’t really relieve any of your anxieties-- but just know everything happens for a reason, you have put in the work and there is nothing you can do. Try to relax, enjoy the moments and whatever happens M10 - know you are great kids and take the absolute positive out of the situation. @mondaydevil is definitely one who has embraced this approach and I applaud her for it!

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Would it be helpful if I updated schools that I made AIME or is it too late?

Oh my gosh. This is a crazy year for you as a parent!

Probably not. Your decision has probably been made already. There’s a thread about this.

I’m a little paranoid right now. We applied through Gateway and really only looked at the schools’ admissions portals later. Do you think the display means anything? Loomis Chafee had the actual SSAT score prominently listed. Choate didn’t even list it as a submission (although they confirmed receipt).

Loomis has a portal? Oh no. I hope I didn’t delete that email

You can find it on their website if u remember the login

I don’t think I made a password. I hope they have a forgot your password button.

Just wondering, what grade are you applying for?

Could you link the thread?

The latter

Ah okay thanks, that’s what I thought

Hmm I can’t seem to find it. If anyone else can, I hope they link it. It shouldn’t be too far down in the prep school admissions category. There is one about updating music achievement that would be similar.

My bad for quoting the other response


I expect this thread will blow up around M5 - M10. Time is passing by so fast.

It’s already starting to blow up