The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

OMG me too!! I’m starting to realize that an important part of my life is about to happen, and that this can determine my future for the next 4 years of my life. It feels so weird and unreal, but it’s happening. Not only that, but I’m starting to realize the weight of possible rejection, and not having options come M10…


Last year they sent the decisions in batches starting at around 6 am. However, since they are releasing decisions this year through a portal (or so I have heard) there will probably be a set time. Most likely between 6-8 am EST.

Yeah, the fact that it’s nearly here is really scary.

Same I’m really scared!

It seems like it was just 56 days away.My life could really change for the better

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It’s fun seeing Exeter play around with the portal,the checklists just came back

what have they been doing?

exeter did a stress test yesterday lol


Lol it’s their first time using the portal so I can’t blame them :joy:

i bet it’s going to crash

A couple days ago they accidentally sent an email out ,they accidentally sent reapplicants acceptance letters,they removed the checklist and then added it again lol

they should’ve asked their friends at andover for help


Lol :joy::joy: That would be nice to see two rival schools helping each other out! :grin:

Guys I’m seriously freaking out now. I totally forgot to mention some really important things in my candidate profile. I forgot to mention I play premiere D1 soccer, and the won WA state cup in 2017 and finalists in 2019. I also didn’t add any details to my extracurriculars. I talked about it with my interviewer and he was impressed, but I didn’t write it down in my application!

Nor did I mention how I’ve lived in NYC, Manila, Seattle, Shrewbury, and the rural town I live in WA now.

I don’t think accomplishments would make or break your application as long as you stated that you play soccer at a high level

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Don’t worry about it! If you mentioned those things in your interview or other parts of your app, then you’re completely fine!! For example, I left out my volunteering experience and math extracurriculars, but I mentioned math in my interviews and essays, and my Special Interest Rec included my volunteering experience in his recommendation. There’s no need to worry, or else I’d be on full on panic.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I’m probably WAY too relaxed about my application. I’ve made more serious errors in my Candidate Profile…

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In addition to what everyone’s said so far, at this point there are four days until M10. The decisions have been made and you’ve done all you can! Worrying about what you could have done is pointless, so I would write a note to yourself for college apps or something similar so you don’t make the same mistake, then forget about it and relax


When do you guys think schools make their decisions? (I know they release decisions on March 10th, but when do you think they determine who gets in and who doesn’t?)

I would think the latest is maybe a week before M10?