The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Yeah true. You should probably just watch yt for 1-2 hours. Skiing also helps/doing something else fun. Or doing HW. Time always feels too short whenever I do HW.

procrastination is also a good idea lol


I feel like this is the longest weekend ever. Time passes so much faster when I’m in class. Also, my school decided to give us monday off for no reason, so that makes the weekend even longer. Sending positive vibes to everyone!

I’ve mostly been sleeping through the weekend, which was my evil plan all along. I do have to do homework and stress about M10 now, though.

I have a question: I’m not in student council or in student government. Will that hurt my chances?


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Oh that’s a relief. Thank you!

No it doesn’t. AOs only care about seeing ECs which YOU have a passion in. Doing ECs which you don’t have any passion in and are pursuing just to look good to AOs, will probably not help you whatsoever.

i am :’) and i’m freaking out seeing what I have to do in eighth grade to better my chances, but i’m trying to stay positive and find a lot more leadership positions to make up for my lack of awards. and i hope everyone freaking out on this thread gets good news in 3 days, you guys are very smart and worked hard!

60 hours minus 8 hours X 2 for sleeping

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Regardless of whatever happens on M10, I just wanted to let you all know that you should be proud of yourselves for radiating courage through putting yourselves out there and applying.

If you all get good news that day, then know that you deserve your spot. Honestly, after reading all of your applications on the Chance Me threads, I’m mind-blown! Remember, the schools chose you, and the AOs know that you will fit in well with their school!

If you don’t get the news you’re hoping for, then chin up. You should still be proud for taking the leap of faith for applying! Remember, rejection is NEVER failure. Rather, not applying is.

I am very proud of you all for applying, and regardless whatever happens, it will all work out in the end!


just to add to this. rejection is redirection!


I’m already crying about Kent knowing I got rejected since others have already received their packages in the mail. (It was my most likely school too)

NO! They use usps and a mom of someone last year said that their child got the package says after m10. You will get in!

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omg, I literally just got a USPS notification that a package from Kent, CT is coming tomorrow.


Did you get the package or email?

lol i think i got rejected, nothing here.

We got a Kent, CT package notification for tomorrow as well. To be clear it was just part of our normal daily notification and you had to click under Arriving Soon to see it.


p a i n

I don’t want to get your hopes up or down @lilyesh but it seems weird to me that both of those would say 0. For example our mail says 23 and packages says 4 and both show historic data. Also many here have reported that tracking acceptances via packages is notoriously inaccurate.