The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

ikr. i don’t think i’m gonna try again next year but if you are might as well start making a list

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wow no you should get into at least one. don’t get your hopes up yet

You’ll get into at least one

i sure hope so but i’m not so sure anymore.

i applied to Exeter on the last day as I did not know about it until then

ahaha same last year for me. tbh i don’t think when you apply affects your chances much but wishing you the best nevertheless

wait schools can choose if you can track packages from them?

yeah same… i only applied to exeter, andover and choate

I started my application on the last day or second to last day

yes, sadly

Dude, I’m REALLY scared. I only applied to 4 schools (Andover, Exeter, Choate, SPS) and I don’t think I’ll get into any of them. Gotta hope for the best I guess…

ive read ur chance me and its just stunning
i think u hv a great shot for all of them!

yall 3 more days to go! i dont think ill survive halp

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also, any suggestions on distracting urselves until m10? ive been trying to listen to more music and learn korean + japanese but its not working
my mind just drifts to wondering abt m10 :sob:

they can make it hidden ik andover alerts are hidden

What alerts are you talking about

when they send out acceptance mailings ,it will probably notify you if you have an acc with the carrier they sent it out with

We had zero notifications and plenty of acceptance packages that arrived last year. If the (USPS/UPS/fedex) account isn’t in the kid’s name (as most accounts aren’t) the notification will not likely happen.
Really don’t freak over that because you’ll have a miserable M9 for maybe no reason at all.


2.5 more days!

omg same :sob:. i will be cramming all my homework in for the week so i won’t have to worry about it after i find out

I recommend knitting while watching something to distract yourself! They both require enough concentration that you don’t get too distracted, and if you do, you can do the other thing.