The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

1 day left until J15!
also, Deerfield interview tips would be appreciated =P

@Parkview25 My daughter isn’t applying to any of the same schools but I myself went to Pomfret and had a great experience!!! The only reason my daughter isn’t applying is because they don’t have a riding program which is super important to her. I also got into Tabor and almost went there. I am sure she will have a lot of great options-good luck!

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EEEK! I cannot wait 55 days. This is killing me T^T

Hey good luck on your Deerfield interview! That interview went well for me and it felt easier compared to other interviews, so hopefully it will be easy for you too. I found the questions easier to answer too and it felt like a conversation instead of being drilled with questions. Also make sure you know all about the school’s history and traditions as that helped in my interview and really allow the interviewer to see where you fit in with the school. Good luck!

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oh hey, I remember you!!! welcome back! what schools are you applying to this year?

Hi! I remember you, too. I’m applying to Exeter, Andover, Choate, Deerfield, Middlesex, Peddie, Loomis, Governor’s, St. Paul’s and some I can’t name off the top of my head rn.

@idk_nan_molla awesomeeeee!! I’m applying to Middlesex too!

ALSO I JUST SUBMITTED ALL OF MY APPLICATIONS and after I send some emails tomorrow I’ll be completely finished AHHH IM SO HAPPY and I honestly can’t believe we’re already done with this!!! I’m probably going to try to forget about BSes until March and work on creative things and projects instead gah im so excited

I am never reading my application again, they’re so c r i n g e lol
Deerfield interview today, last part of my apps! Excited and scared at the same time but I realized my essays kinda aligned with their qualities (except athletics) without realizing so hopefully that’s a good sign?
How is everyone doing? Hope nobody is cramming their apps =P If so, then real admiration for you :sob: good luck!

I might’ve added a last-minute school a few mins ago😬

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but I bet you will get in anyways haha

Thx. I really hope. This was a safety school, I’m worried I have too many reaches.

Wait. I thought I was done when I turned in everything I needed, but… you guys are having special interest recs, writing thank-you notes, and now sending emails too?

I’m so screwed.

Oh no my email was just the test optional email to St. Mark’s that I forgot to send earlier. I’m sure you have everything done!

Lol I didn’t do any emails or thank-you notes, I’m also screwed =P
I did do a special interest rec though

I’m gonna die :upside_down_face:
I’m already trying to accept that I failed. 5 of my 7 apps are due today and I’m cramming essays. Hopefully I’ll be done by 7 because I’m hoping to bust out the rollerblades for stress relief.

Also congrats guys! There were no interview slots left for deerfield so UNFORTUNATELY I have to pump out a stellar essay

My Deerfield interview was so bad omg I blanked out for 5 mins on a question
@stuck_in_space I probably should have given you my interview slot omg :sob:

Bruh I’m screwed too. I didn’t send any emails either (except to St. Paul’s and a Choate for musical reasons), nor did I send thank-you notes for Choate.

Also the fact that I didn’t keep in touch with any of the Admissions Officers lol.

I sent thank you notes but I usually email AOs after February to update on what I’m doing and stuff.

Hey! This is my first time actually “contributing” to one of the forums on here as opposed to just skimming everything, lol. Regardless, because today is January 15, and the application deadline for many schools, I wanted to say good luck to you all; I wish nothing but the best! :slight_smile: