The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Welcome! Good luck to you and all too!
Can’t wait for March 10th, but dreading it as well cause r e j e c t i o n s :sad:

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Wish you good luck this year! Could you please share a bit why not accepted last year? I am anxious for my application, too.


But there is a school showing only my materials back to Nov. All transcripts, recc and essays are still unchecked in the checklist portal. This makes me feel nervous…

I applied for Full Financial Aid last year, and I think that’s a part of why I was not accepted. My essays were also not that great. And I only applied to three school.

I’ve only sent emails thanking my interviewers. I feel like that isn’t enough, but I don’t want to annoy any AOs

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Thanks for sharing. I really hope wider net works this year!

Hi, may I know whether St. Marks updated their checklist on their portal? I have many many unchecked, though these were submitted like 2-3 weeks ago through SAO.

Almost everything due today is through! Just need to record one more thing for my flute, and waiting on one more recommendation. Can’t wait until this month is over. Then I get to put more energy into schools ECs.

Same! I feel like waiting for the results are tougher than the actual application though… you never know what might happen.

I can’t wait to be free and do some random stuff. Everyday I just keep stressing about the applications lol

Best of luck to everyone applying! M10 can’t come sooner!

that existential feeling of dread that’s just “you’re going to get rejected what were you even thinking when you applied” I’m trying to wipe it away but its so hard :sob::sob:

Bruh when I read my application, I feel as if I didn’t try at all for the applications which basically indicates I’m getting rejected (cuz I actually tried).

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omg I feel you so much I felt like I didn’t try at all and now my application sucks

I think they have sent an email out indicating it would take a few weeks for them to get through everything and to please be patient.

Yeah, saw that email. Just wondering parts of my submission in the early Dec haven’t been checked in their admission portal. Alright, be patient.

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Hey, you seem like a really good candidate! I don’t really know enough to chance you but you should post in the Prep School Chances subforum to get better responses.

I’m literally going to die. I decided that I wanted to apply Generally late in the season and I’ve pretty much been solely responsible for all aspects of the application process. My family has been hot and cold about it and I’ve had a really difficult time getting people to do their part when it comes to my application. My counselor, although I emailed her several times for a recommendation and made her aware of the deadline, told me that she would fill out her rec early next week. My english teacher was a similar case. Plus, my mother just uploaded the additional documents for my financial aid form. I’m going to try to reach out to all of the schools, apologize, and inquire about the affect this will have on my acceptance. I’m so close to a breakdown right now that it is unreal

Stay calm. Everything will be OK. I think you’re a great applicant, and lateness does not affect your application by a lot. If you have submitted your part (essays, scores, etc.) the schools will NOT count it as late. Recs can be late because teachers are busy and schools understand that. Don’t worry.

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honestly waiting for the results are harder than actually applying. i dont think im going to take rejection really well… but what can i do lol

For others who didn’t realize, Choate requires a graded essay. Submit it from their portal =)

They were flexible on source though. My son didn’t have a “legitimate” graded essay from school to submit. Had to use some some paragraphs with harsh grading/ CTY graded essays.