The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Hold up. Why would it say that it’s being delivered m9. Wouldn’t that go against Andover’s TSAO agreement?

I really hope it isn’t a sweatshirt that I got for free for winning a youtubers thing fantasy football league

Do you by chance live in the West Coast too?

Do you have informed delivery?

I also received the same alert from ups. Something will be delivered to my house tomorrow 10 am from North Andover, MA. I also applied for Andover and Exeter.

No idea. That’s why I’m baffled.

But it’s also confusing how two of us now have packages arriving from the same place.

I’m wracking my brain trying to think of ANYTHING ELSE it could be.

I don’t have any informed deliveries or anything. I decided not to do it

Yooo not everyone getting packages :sob::sob: i got nothin’

but if that’s good news, CONGRATS TO ALL OF YOU


I hope they aren’t mailing out 2 lb rejection letters

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You guys probably got in! I don’t think it’s just a coincidence…



I don’t either but I haven’t gotten an email :frowning: and I applied to Andover

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Mine also says 2 lbs.

I’m wondering if it is because of the location? Are you in the west coast? maybe thats the difference so they shipped earlier

Yeah, it’s too unlikely to be a coincidence, as there’s three with the same mail!

Was is UPS or USPS?

cc please let me post this


I hope all of u got accepted!

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UPS, don’t have alerts, not expecting anything except merchandise but I don’t have an email for that so…

We live 30 minutes from both Andover and Exeter.

I really, really don’t want anyone panicking if they didn’t get a notice. It could be something else…or it could be good news but just not a notification that went out because of the way your notifications are set up.