The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

The last time I got a delivery notification was when it had my full name and email… I’m going to settle my expectations now

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How do you guys check notifications?

panic panic panic panic panic
i dont have anything im getting rejected im so getting rejected im sad im so sad i

They sent me an email? Like I’m so confused because I didn’t have anything set up

you aren’t don’t worry!!

I was nervous but then I realized that I don’t know if they’re sending it to my chosen name or my deadname so I’m a bit relieved now lol.

Me too :fearful:

like a mom said earlier, don’t worry about not getting notifications

:sob::sob::sob: ahhhhh im so nervous…

I checked my email, and the only thing I got was my brother sending me a ■■■■■ rejection letter -.-

oof lol

For those who did, did you already have UPS accounts set up? I’ve never received an email from UPS ever in my life without an account

No account

Actually I have an account but I never verified it with the mail thing

I’ve never had an account until 5 minutes ago, that could be a reason I didn’t get a notification. Or I just didn’t get accepted.

For everyone who applied to Andover and hasn’t received a notification, please don’t freak out. I did some research and the only way you can get UPS notifications (email or otherwise) is if you have a UPS account. Some people might not remember making this account because apparently if you ever go to a UPS post office they automatically create one for you as long as they have your email, name, and address. If you’re still not convinced. Think about it, even if UPS knew your address they wouldn’t know where to contact you if you’ve never set up that information. For those who got it I’m beyond happy for you! However, for those who didn’t, please don’t drive yourself crazy thinking you didn’t get it. Wishing all of you the best!


That’s true! I remember now I actually created an account one year ago but never turned on notifications

I did set up my ups alert with my name.

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OMG CONGRATS!!! WELL DESERVED :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada:


I created it under my name, but I’m sure many of you guys have it under your parents names

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