The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I just want to point something out. Ours says “label created” for overnight delivery, but it hasn’t actually been sent yet. If they don’t ship it today, it’s possible it may not arrive until Wednesday.

Also, I feel really bad that anyone else feels bad if they didn’t get the notice about the shipment. I really, really think we only did because my daughter’s name is on the account. I’m sure she would not have either if her name wasn’t on the account. You are all still possibly getting this package.

I don’t want to fuel the panic for those who didn’t get a notification because remember we got zero last year, and DD got into Andover.
But I do think that maybe this means some swag is being direct-shipped to you since the company makes promo materials, and multiple folks are getting the exact same shipment here.

I remember last M9, someone had posted an Andover notification – we are signed up for every notification in the world due to working from home – and so I inwardly prepared for DD to have bad news from them. It was a stressful 24 hours tbh. I know it’s impossible not to stress when you start seeing people post notifications. But remember: we had ZERO notifications, and we had 8 admits on M10, including Andover.


Don’t worry! Nobody really knows anything until M10 (or when packages are actually delivered). This definitely doesn’t mean you’re rejected.

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My name is on the account as well, so maybe that’s why?

To add on to that, even if you have accounts they are most probably in your parents’ names. Since the acceptance package is made to you in your name, it might not ring up on the notifications.

My family uses USPS which is under my mom’s name. We haven’t got any notifs and I’m getting scared :sob:

I’m trying to make a UPS account but Google keeps freezing on me!!!

im just going to wait till m10 at this point… i mean its not even that far away :sob:

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True, I’d rather wait too

i just want to get it over with, It has caused me was too much stress,

Same! I dont want to get my hopes up or down. I’m just trying to hang in here until the portals open up.

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True, true but still I agree with @reknihtrevo

Also I’m currently at my grandparents house, not mine, so if I do get accepted anywhere I won’t get packages until next week. I’m trying to refrain myself from asking my neighbor to go check if anything was delivered lol

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do we have to verify our address with the mail thing on UPS in order to get the notifications?

I never did that because it was too much work

Go to > tracking > ups my choice > track and manage home deliveries

that’s all i did. it had my verify myself with an email and then asked for my address

I’m wondering if it would be easier just to call UPS and ask if you have any packages coming your way? I personally think it would instill more stress in me so I won’t be calling them but if anyone is really curious that might be a way to get that information.

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OMG CONGRATS!!! SO HAPPY FOR U :tada: :tada: :tada:

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officially less than 2 days left for some schools! im dying and the stress is rly getting to me ahhhh

Also, if anyone does call them, please let me know how it goes.

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