The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Yes, but it’s not on gateway so some of us didn’t realize it was required. I’m just reminding people about it in case they didn’t know.

We only have about 50 days until M10. Good luck to all of us!!

time passes fast, can’t believe it’s 10 days to february

I know; it’s so crazy. Andover’s deadline is in about 2 weeks

Aghhhhhh I can’t wait that long

Best of luck to everyone

me neither D:
I agree good luck to everyone =D

me neither :(((
Yeah good luck to everyone for sure

I can’t believe it’s only been four days since we submitted apps…

I’ve been going through my dad’s old things in the basements and I found a bunch of ancient film cameras that he thrifted when he first came to the US! There was a used roll of film in one of the cameras so we used up the rest and sent it off to a film developing lab. Honestly, I’m not expecting much since it’s at least forty years old but it’s still so exciting!!

I’ve also bought a ton of stickers and notebooks as a little treat to myself to help pass the time. I’m just kinda trying to forget about BS until March but honestly it’s not working haha. I’m definitely less worried about M10 than last year though.

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Four days! It felt like just yesterday!

oo I bought a bunch of stickers too haha I’m obsessed =P also cool story =DD

i covered my whole math notebook in school stickers lol … i’m a bit addicted :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol I’m just continuing my normal boring life:

Go to school
Disappoint my piano teacher
Disappoint my violin teacher
Not pay attention in RSM
Embarrass myself in BYSO
Fall when skiing

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Lol relatable. Idk how i’m going to wait much longer. The anxiety is killing me!

Super relatable!

Lol this is so relatable. my flute teacher outright SAYS she’s disappointed in me :joy:

I play flute too!

What are you guys doing to distract yourself? I know that I’m keeping up with my regular stuff, and I’ve been watching a lot of Netflix to pass the time that used to be essay-writing or SSAT study time. Schitt’s Creek and The Queen’s Gambit are some of my faves. :smiley:

If you haven’t already, Cobra Kai(cringy i know) is a funny show and brings back Karate Kid.

I’ll check it out if I have time for sure

Oooh, speaking of shows, I’ve been watching Gilmore Girls and Death Note with my brother!