The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

idk if it’s from exeter but it’s looking like that but the delivery thing disappeared

It’s the FedEx package tracker website right? it says I have no packages at all

wow good luck!

use a different browser. i did that

Y’all are getting accepted into Exeter. Congrats!! :slight_smile:


Yeah I tried different browsers, maybe it’s still processing but I don’t think I’m getting in but congrats to everyone who did!

It happened to you too?

It does this for me too. It’s a loop? Maybe it’s because we aren’t expecting a package. The FedEx account we have is in the parent name with the child name as a “nick name”. Not sure if it will catch the applicant though the way it’s set up in our house.

Hmm? I never saw any package incoming on my FedEx page, it just says 0

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Yea the name i go by is a nickname and the same thing happened

I have that status thing too! Do you know what it means?

Did you sign up for fedex informed thing?

I signed into fedex. It says that pending package under my name but it doesn’t say where it’s from.

Is yours still there ?

did you have an account or alerts set up?

I just checked and my son has the same thing on Deerfield portal. Does anyone know if this means anything?

It hasn’t disappeared. I don’t have any info about the package though.

good luck though!

I had that, but then it went away, it came back, went away again. Ugh!

Thanks! You too! Hopefully we can both get accepted! My interviewer told me that a few kids from WA come every year! It would be cool if we could both represent our state lol!