The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

personally, i updated them when i won some scholastic silver key writing/art awards. dunno if that helps, just what i did. i just wrote an email like

“dear ao, i’m ______ (a bit of application info so they can easily identify who you are), i’d like to add this to my candidate profile achievements section (that might only be a working section if you used gateway like me-- i’m not sure), and then just a list or whatever you want to add, thank you for your help and sincerely, blah blah blah”

i wrote and sent my emails on 1/28 and received replies saying that they added my info to my app from 3/4 schools. (the three schools that replied replied within a few days, and i never got a response from the fourth).

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the three schools that replied replied within a few days, and i never got a response from the fourth

Did you freak out a bit when the reply never came?

That happened to me at a point and it got me wondering: had I messed up somewhere? Had a mind-boggling thought dedicated to “my email made the school hate me it’s over” for about a week. Around six days passed and then I sent them a "hi, hope you’ve read my message, can I get a confirmation that you’ve seen this message, pretty please? I’m super nervous I messed up somehow :slight_smile: " and then the lovely AO responded and answered the question I had.

Admissions are super awkward. At least I know how I’ll feel once college applications start knocking :slightly_smiling_face:.

Only one has replied (I sent updates to all) and it was just a “received” message, don’t expect a reply because I did not get any

I’m wondering when is too late to email. Some things are still pending, certain things that may be awarded in a week or two. By then, maybe most will be in a yes/no/wl pile already.

dude yeah i definitely freaked a bit but i just kinda tried to not think ab it too much… maybe i should’ve sent a follow-up thing but i didn’t really even think of doing that so… :grinning: oh well. it’s good that you got the reply email tho!!

Did anyone notice they were invited to a school “____class of 2026” Insta page? I can’t imagine it means anything but wow, what a way to get a kid’s hopes up.

Are your parents also notified of the decisions on their emails, the same time the candidates are?

Makes me wonder, how would they track down your social media handles to do that?

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No idea where they got her social media handle, other than my daughter follows the school on IG. She has never interacted with the school in that forum. She and another friend were followed by the official school class of page last week.

My child was followed by a very pretty “girl” from one of the schools applied to on IG. It’s my email address on it and not his name, only one non-identifiable photo. I think because we certain schools some people might stalk those accounts and try to follow potential applicants for whatever reason, “She” had very few followers but followed lots of BS kids, zero posts. I noticed several accounts like this.

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Yes, I have started following a couple Instagram feeds of schools we are researching and have gotten requests to be followed by several accounts that look like they could be students, but it isn’t clear who they are. I do not accept followers from anyone I don’t know and haven’t met in person, so I have no idea who they really are.

yes, i still email my interviewer at deerfield from time to time, primarily about books and book recommendations. she’s incredibly kind and i love talking to her. she even emailed to congratulate me on getting everything in for my application and said it looked like i had a good fall of 2021.

I was too! I also got a follow request from a student at one of my schools. IDK how they would find my handle tho, I only follow my friends and the schools and their admissions offices

hi im kinda new to cc but can someone tell me if i chose good essay topics? for my andover and deerfield essay, i wrote a long essay that used a rubik’s cube as a metaphor for the multiple perspectives i have in life and how interacting with those from different walks of life is something i hope to obtain from each school (individually lol). for my second long essay that i submitted to hotchkiss, lawrenceville, and choate, i wrote about how i would reform policies at my current school that only perpetuate the racist ideology that students of color automatically need extra discipline.

lol i was actually thinking of asking this very question on this thread today-- what did you guys choose for your essay topics? (this query stands for all who want to respond… i’m very curious)

imo, i think those seem like pretty good topics, but it really depends on the essay itself. from what i’ve heard, essays have to be well-written and show good character (that isn’t, you know, fake just for the sake of the essay). i’m not completely sure bc, well, i’m just another applicant, but i did see this one video from andover (i think? this was a while ago and i don’t remember where i saw it… maybe social media) and it was just this student going around and asking the other students what they wrote their application essays on. there was a very, very wide variety of answers, including but not limited to: friendship issues, social justice, teachers, books, etc, etc. so rlly, the topic is just seemingly ambiguous from person to person. i think your rubiks cube metaphor sounds really interesting, though, so best of luck to you!!

going back to my general question of what you guys wrote your essays on-- personally, i wrote…

  • one ab a traditional quote and how it affected my ambitions to apply to prep school
  • one ab my piano teacher who’s always really tough on me
  • one ab my friend and i and our connection, regrets, and separation
  • one ab my slight regrets of middle school and how much more i wanna do in high school
  • one ab how the world is scary and how that’s inspired me to want to do more (and then elaborating ab how i could do that “more” thing at that specific school).

(sorry for the long schpeel)

Dude that’s so creative! Wow!

For my Andover one, I just wrote about how I grew to love the violin. I connected it to how it’s not necessary for someone to feel an innate passion for something and that sometimes it’s a feeling that manifests with time. It’s a pretty boring and standard topic but it’s an essay that gives a good representation of who I am.

omg you guys are all so creative

for my short answer (prompt was what do u do for fun) i wrote a song parody abt how i like to write songs. it was something like, “to the melody of blank space by taylor swift” and then my lyrics abt how i like songwriting :skull:

my long essay was abt how as an immigrant, i spent my childhood white-washing myself to fit in (faking an accent, seperating myself from my culture, etc.) and how thats affected my life now that i’m older :sob:

tysm!! your essay sounds very interesting as well. i wish you the best of luck for m10. speaking of, which schools did you apply to (if youre comfortable answering)? i applied to five boarding schools and one private day school (nightingale bamford) that i recently got waitlisted from.

thank youuu, and your essays topics are so good!! they seem very introspective and self-reflective. i wish you the best of luck for m10.

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Oh nice! I applied to 9 schools (for 10th grade). I’m applying to Andover, Exeter, SPS, Groton, Milton, Middlesex, Commonwealth (day school), Nobles, and St. Mark’s. Wbu? Also best of luck on m10!!!