The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

Around when do you all think this thread will blow up (if at all)? I’m betting around March 1st ish.

i was wondering the same thing haha

does anyone know when the m10 threads usually blow up??


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Btw random question, but are you guys still in touch with anybody from the schools ur applying to? (e.g. coaches, interviewers, etc.) Personally, I’ve talked with a few people, but I haven’t been consistently emailing anybody.

I got in touch with 2 of the Classics teacher, since I really love Classics and it’s the reason I’m applying, but there was no lasting contact or consistent email thread.

I’m also getting a thing where the more worried I get, the more I check the application portal, just to make sure that I applied and that nothing has gone wrong (yet).

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i had, like, one back and forth with one interviewer and that was it :grinning:

No, not really.

I’m also getting a thing where the more worried I get, the more I check the application portal, just to make sure that I applied and that nothing has gone wrong (yet)

You’re going to give yourself undue stress at this rate. At least wait until March 9th :sweat_smile: and we can all freak out. Luckily for me, I have other things to worry about currently. I’m saving the doom thoughts for March 7th-10th.

Anyone else been avoiding answering: “what’s your favourite school?” I don’t want to mention anything before it turns out your favourite school got you waitlisted/rejected.

yessss honestly at this point all i want is to be accepted into any one school i applied to + i don’t wanna jinx anything :sob: for now, i distract myself with ela essays and tv :skull:

also, i go to a public school in my town and we’ve recently started talking a lot ab yk preparing for 9th at our public high school and course selection and transitioning and all that and i just don’t know how to feel ab it. it’s all so exciting and i go to a pretty great school, but at the same time, i wanna go to prep school and then i don’t know if i should feel excited. but then im like ah but i might go here anyway since i might not get into private school so- :grinning:

yeah just trying to enjoy myself rn (even tho i’m stressing) and make the best of 8th grade lmao

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Same here! My course selection conference is on March 7th, and its so close that I don’t know how to feel about it…

same here

i toured the high school and honestly, for like a week, i didn’t care abt prep schools that trip. out of sight, out of mind ig

now i’m back to panicking abt m10. i’m literally going back and forth between lps and prep school every day and idk what to feel anymore !!

Do people actually send update emails? And do you think now would be a good time to send one?

Hi! I received two (2) pamphlets from Phillips Academy (physical mail) and was wondering whether it meant anything or if it was merely a form of formality since I’m new to this. Did any international students who applied to Andover receive one as well?

It’s marketing pure and simple. Read nothing else into it.


I’m curious what is important enough to update. AIME results, special awards, or only something really huge? It’s such a fine line between bugging the AO and giving them useful information.

I see. It definitely stimulated a momentary lapse of panic and thrill. Thanks! :joy:

I told them when I qualified for states in the GeoBee. That was all.

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right, like i toured our high school (it was just recently rebuilt and everything) and it was surprisingly good. like, it felt kinda like a prep school campus good :sob:

What was their response to you and how did you word your email? Because of covid, bee and bowl results will come too late because they delayed regionals this year most places. So many competitions have also been online which is such a bummer. Even NHD will be virtual this summer. I feel terrible for kids who work so hard and then miss the big state and regional competitions which is the fun part.

Subject: An Update to (Firstname Lastname)'s (school) Application


Dear (AO),

I would like to notify the (school) admissions office of the fact that I have qualified for the (home state) State round of the National Geographic Bee this year. The full results for the competition can be found here: (link) (I am listed under “(middle school)”)


(Firstname Lastname)

I did not receive a reply from the only school which I sent it to. The email was sent on March 4; that year’s decision day was March 9.

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I won an oratorical competition. I also got some in-school awards. Still not sure if I want to email schools or not.

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