The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

omg i can’t even bare (bear? i’m not sure which word to use here wait- is any bare word correct here-) to look at my essays again :sob: i just know i’m gonna hate them

i have so many regrets i literally dissed myself in my lville essayy

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omg same I’m starting to regret some of my topics. I feel like I should have been more deep :star_struck:

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yess i agree with this, and sometimes i felt like i chose good topics but they were just executed poorly… for hotchkiss i wrote an essay about my shifting opinion on vaccinations by interacting with different ppl in my life and understanding the historical context of government administered healthcare but it was sooo bad😭 im def not getting in…

samee one of my essays was kinda just ab me not wanting to go to boarding school at first (my parents introduced the idea) and then how i realized stuff, thought ab stuff, etc, ending up with me really wanting to go and “explore the world” or whatever :skull:… i feel like it’s too boring (tho i added a quote so hopefully that helps?? :sob:)

don’t do it omg

i went back and read my essays and realized i submitted my rough draft for one of them :grinning:. it only had like three minor typos and there was one sentence that was structured weird but i was upset for a couple days.

(also, if you end a sentence with an emoji, does the punctuation go after the emoji? or before? random thought lmao)

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Which kind of essays do you all prefer? Essays where you have free reign or essays where you have a set topic? Some of the essay prompts my friends got were foul :sob:.

(I like my emojis going before the punctuation.)

I went back and read a few emails and saw that I spelt a basic word wrong :skull:; I cringed for a day.

omg ouch

i prefer free reign essays because i can be more creative

same same. if its after the punctuation then it feels separated from the sentence and that’s kinda sad guys :sob:.

I haven’t even dared to look at my essays. I don’t want to create new worries on top of M10.
(Emojis go after the punctuation. :upside_down_face: )

@username322 i remember you telling me ab this :skull:.

@cherubee personally, i like a loose prompt- i can’t come up with really good topics off the top of my head, but if there’s a general direction for the assignment that can go in a lot of directions, then that’s my cup of tea. idk why i used that phrase; feels weird to say.

(emoji before punctuation 100%- :sunglasses:).

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@cherubee I love formal essays with set topics
(Emojis can go wherever the writer desires, it’s a very informal character and so does not follow typical grammar rules :slight_smile: .

Is it too late to send emails restating your desire to attend?

That’s called an application. They know you desire to attend, because you applied. So refrain from stating this until you are waitlisted.


Not even like update emails stating what I’ve been up to? would that be a bother?

if have already sent a love letter (1st choice choice / top choice) - then they know where you stand.


If you have any notable achievements or changes in your application, then I would update them, although it’s a bit close to M10 so I don’t know how much it would affect decisions. Personally, I have not emailed any updates about anything besides adding additional information to my application about ecs and awards.

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i just emailed yesterday bc i qualified for my statewide mathcounts competition- hopefully that’s considered a notable achievement :grinning:

Woah ok woah prodigy my math skills are quaking.

The last time I emailed the schools was in like late January cuz I’ve legit been doing nothing lately except trying to survive school and having an existential crisis about what I’m gonna major in college :smiling_face_with_tear::joy: