The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

Yeah, that is the same company that produced the swag for last year’s Andover acceptances. Congrats!! :smiley:

Btw quick question, did you stay in contact with anybody in Andover? Like, did you contact any music directors or anything? That is so awesome that you got a package!


honestly, i think they got in too

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@Hannah.aspiringkk09 i’m trying not to get my hopes up!! hbuu

@hopefulchild123 AHHHH TYTY HOPEFULLY

@Jasmino1233 NO I DIDN’T! i literally threw my app together in 2-3 weeks and was completely oblivious to the whole contacting teachers thing. tyty!!

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ALSO, don’t worry about the 12:00 pm thing. Last year that happened, but they just delayed the package arrival till March 10th!! Btw, remember me when you’re famous!!!

I also checked UPS (yes I ignored the lesson I learned last year) and I don’t have any packages so guess I’m not going to Andover :smiling_face_with_tear:

do notifications come out all at once

I think I should stop checking UPS. I just realized after some investigation that it does actually need the code thing and I never requested it until now. Oh well. @username322 did you do the activation code thing for UPS? Not losing hope just yet :smiling_face_with_tear:

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UPS needs a code? i thought that was usps


@hopefulchild123 i think i did got a confirmation email and i just had to click a link. don’t lose hope!! i believe in u!

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Omg how do I check ups??? What is a user ID? I’m acting stupid, but I’m nervous. Please help me.

Wow, congratulations! :smiley:

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@Hannah.aspiringkk09 not sure i know what u mean by check ups…

@luv2l3arn ty!!!

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I’ve accepted it. Rejected from Andover. 3 more to go and it’s not even M10 yet. Literally trembling.

That was a typo. I meant to say User ID.

Last year Taft was midnight and Loomis was 8am. Good luck!

@hopefulchild123 nooooooo some people don’t get notifs and are accepted. it’s not even m10 yet, don’t count urself out.

@Hannah.aspiringkk09 wdym like user id on cc?

my march 10 for andover gonna be like, “hello [name], we were happy to review ur file, etc, etc, etc, too many applicants this year and not enough space, etc, etc, etc, but we can put you on the waitlist, etc, etc, etc” :skull:

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I meant user ID to sign up for UPS, but I figured it out. Thanks for the help through.

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Though *

@User7 , It depends on the school, the year, etc… There are fewer seats for tenth but also fewer applicants.

I’m actually ngl, that Andover rejection is pulling me back to reality cuz for some weird reason I was feeling optimistic about M10. I’m actually glad cuz now I can actually focus on my own life for once.

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