The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

Yes, that would be great!!

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ooooh i’m up for a discord chat!! tho i don’t really wanna just post my discord in this big thread everyone can look at… can i pm one of y’all and somebody can make a group??

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you can pm me!

Oops my bad! Bruh I’m so dumb. I feel like as it gets closer to M10, I’m getting crazier and more frantic.

hahhahaha it’s probably not too big of a deal- just wanted to be careful lmao

I would like to be included.

just made a discord acc-


hgahahshahads loveeee

what swag did they send

If anyone wants to be in the chat, you can pm me! I already added jlmly!

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ahhh can you add me too? thanks!!

PM ME! I’ll add you

okayyy did it

Love your humor while reading this M10 Freakout thread.

Can you add me

Pm me!

mine is funky and won’t let me type :tired_face:

I friended you, can you add me?

wait whattt howww whyyy

its fine now lmao