The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

Mine does


just like at lunch or in class you’ll check and then drop ur phone and it’ll be like in a movie

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hahaha random but like half of the (few people) ik who are applying to private schools are twins

So does some of mine. It said that it’s for verification if I recall correctly.

Lol :joy::joy::joy::joy:

that’s really random lmao

u guys are the only people i know who r applying to prep school

Im kinda of excited for the merch if I get in somewhere.

i hope its good…

coming from a moderately high ranked public school, i know around like 5-10 ppl in my grade applying to private school-- and 4 of them are twins

what do schools normally send as swag?

I AM NOT ready for all the emotions that come with M10. This whole thing feels surreal and every single minute feels like an hour

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I think so

ik like it felt like forever away and now its here

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istg it was jan. 15 the other day


I know this one person who’s applying to prep schools too (although idk which ones cuz she’s super secretive about it). She’s like a violin, piano, and debate prodigy though so. . . :grinning:

Have any of you guys gotten a notification from Exeter? I’m so stressed; it’s the only school I applied to, and I already applied last year and got rejected. This is gonna be like my last chance.

Hey, don’t worry about it!! It takes time to scan all the packages!! Also, last year you got waitlisted so chill.

Btw, I also didn’t get any notifs so don’t worry.

I’ve seen your chance me threads and you’e so freaking smart and talented (I could never). No boarding school acceptance, waitlist, or rejection will change that.

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I’ve seen a lot of your messages and I think you shouldn’t worry about notifications from packages. Relax and just wait for the result. I promise you that if Exeter rejects you then you were too good for it. Good Luck!

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there’s this guy in my grade applying to private school and he’s like the quickest mathematician ever. sonic, even. there’s an accelerated at home math course we’re both taking, and though we still have a quarter to go and there’s around 5 hours of hw every week, he’s already done. with the whole curriculum. :grinning:

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(Not sure if this is allowed, will delete if not) would anyone be interested in being in a discord chat so we can talk more easily?