The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

okok thanks !! good luck btw :raised_hands:


jdsfjadlfjefjldlsfjdfkd im so happy- i finally wrote my short answer thing for andover today and i just need to put the finishing touches on my essay and then i’ll be done with pa!!! woooo


A quick question about graded writing sample. Which one to choose: an almost full score history essay, or a creative writing highly praised by English teacher for the style/language but only given B+ due to missed one requirement. Thanks.

Take this with a grain of salt since I’m just a fellow applicant, but I would do the English one. They don’t necessarily want to see a really good grade, but they also want to see lots of comments/see how you’re graded. That’s just my POV of what I would do if I was in your sitiuation.


Which one do you like better? Which one did you feel more satisfied with when you submitted it? Which one do you feel better reflects you as a writer? Based on your description, I think the answer is the latter (then again, I didn’t apply to any schools with a graded paper requirement, so take my advice with a grain of salt).

Also, it depends on what the missed requirement was.

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this thread is back again. I’m an 8th grader who’s applying to Andover, Exeter, and Choate. i’m looking forward to the wild ride that is m10

ah… m10… djfkdjfkajlejrlejflejfljlj it feels so close but so far…

random, but how’s everyone doing? in general, i mean, not just for applications and stuff. any exciting things happening? how’re y’all holding up?

Currently, it has been pretty tough balancing high school and prep school applications and extracurriculars. I still have to finish the Andover short answer, and afterwards, I’m so done with everything.

The semester is also ending soon, and teachers have been piling work now :smiley: (legit had 2 tests and an essay to do today). I’m also failing Biology because I had a unit test last Thursday (on Anatomy: 5 body systems) and a unit test today (Anatomy part 2: 4 body systems) on stuff we learned for 3 days. Literally, everybody else is doing great in Biology because they have a less harsh teacher :sob::sob: (and we’re almost a whole unit ahead pf everyone else). Half of my life is studying for bio now and barely clinging on.

Ok I’ll stop ranting about Bio now lol. Anyways, how have you been?

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omgg hang in there! i wish u all the best!!

i got my covid booster friday and my symptoms were not great. headaches, body aches, dry cough, the whole bit. i had planned on utilizing the long mlk weekend to work on schoolwork but i was too sick to do anything. got tested, and turns out its covid. now i’ve been out all week, and only started feeling well enough to work yesterday. so 6 days lost, plus the fact that while im at home, everyone else is at school chugging along like nothing. not that i think everyone should stop their lives for me but its stressful getting emails from my teachers with a laundry list of things to do, when i’m behind AND have no idea what we’re learning :raised_hands:

plus public school homework is terrible like i don’t feel motivated to do packets, and a vocabulary story with 15 of this weeks words.

anyways, on the bright side, i’ve watched encanto for the 18th (yes 18th) time in a month and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. maybe that’s why i’m struggling LMAO

I am literally shaking - just submitted Andover app. Only one left, Middlesex! Still need to check over my essays and mentally prepare myself :crossed_fingers:

I applied to Choate, Loomis, Bard Academy, 'Iolani, Emma Willard, and some local day schools for grade 9.

Stressed out about end of term exams. Rewatching Selling Sunset and old episodes of Dr. Pimple Popper. Trying not to stress about M10

My son really wanted to apply to Iolani, it is a great fit school for him! I just couldn’t mentally make the logistics work for Hawaii.

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ahhhhh good luck with… everything!!! you can do it!!! (bio sounds very stressful, extra good luck there!)

i’ve been kinda stressed with having midterms for the first time (i thought our town didn’t have midterms til high school but ig 8th grade is when it starts). usually i’m super confident with math and stuff but i was dealing with social stuff on the days we had math midterms (basically being a therapist to my friend every night and not sleeping), and a few days ago we got our results. i got the worst score i’d ever gotten on a math test :sob:

anyway that’s the end of my rant lmao. good luck with everything again!!

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no way!! i’m in the exact same situation as you- i submitted my andover app yesterday night and middlesex is my last school. i still gotta finish my second essay tho :sob:

anyway good luck!!

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You guys, I’m panicking a little internally. Happy, but also panicked. I’m lucky not to have the crazy tests or huge packets for homework since I go to a Montessori school, but that’s the thing.
I see all the chance posts where people listed these amazing achievements and high GPAs. Montessori school doesn’t have subject grades (in my school you get graded by behavior, like you get an organization grade and a kindness grade and similar stuff), and the only extracurricular my school offers is Model UN (I’m the only middle schooler who does it) and Mandarin class, but IDK if that counts because the school is not involved.
I don’t play instruments, I haven’t played official sports (I can swim decently, learning to canter in riding)
My applications are all submitted they are going to: Hotchkiss, Choate, Kent, Loomis, SPS, Emma Willard, Ms.Porters, Groton, Foxcroft, Chatham Hall, EHS, and Madeira
(Foxcroft and Chatham are girls schools in Virginia, for those who don’t know)
I’m also 2E and apply for FA
yall I’m freaking out. but I’m still excited.


Thanks for reply. I personally like the English one. But I just noticed the submission requirement is to provide one with analytical rather than creative writing. Maybe I have to turn it the History one.

Yes. You are right. I like the English one much better and English teacher mentioned my this writng to my mom in the teacher-parent conference and gave it a lot of complement. On the returned paper, the teacher also gave a much more comments than the History one.

i think that’s not too big of a problem as long as you let the schools see your passions/other things through other ways (even if you don’t have direct achievements to list)! maybe through showing them some kind of sample of art or writing or a video of you doing whatever you love doing. or if you wrote about that kinda stuff in your short answers/essay (if those schools have them, im not rlly sure bc im not applying to any of the schools u listed). as for grades, did you take the ssat or anything? i think that helps if you get a decent above average score. good luck with everything!!

(i’m not completely sure ab all of this as i’m just another applicant who’s in a very different situation but :grinning:)

also um i’ve heard some of these terms in these threads, but what does 2E mean??

I’m planning on submitting a clip from one of my Model UN, and definitely wrote about in my essays. No SSAT, but there are math and english samples that were school assignments.

2E isn’t actually an acronym about boarding school, its where you have a learning difference, such as ASD or ADHD, but you also have academic giftedness. It stands for twice-exceptional.

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