The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

All the best!

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You look like a great candidate! It’s so unpredictable, though, application rates are crazy. Too many great kids for too few spots.


internationals have a tough time

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NMH decisions out. Waitlist for my daughter.


Don’t be discouraged! Do you have any decisions still pending? We also needed financial aid and sometimes that is the deciding factor.


Is it via schooladmins? No decisions yet for me…

who was the interviewer? we had the same AO for both kids (applying 9th adn 11th) - totally different vibes from the same person on different days. kind of bizarre. she couldnt get off the call with #1 and could barely be bothered with #2.

congrats - my 10th grader is applying for junior year. tough year to apply into

this year feels like people are going to get like 1 acceptance + 5-10 waitlists

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Applying for junior year too!!

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Thankfully, you can only attend one school at a time!

@nat1969 M.S.

same !

And for all the crazy fed ex / UPS notification - i too created a new acct and only had that master category and no details(but you could see there was a 1 elsewhere)

today - i received a FedEx notification on my phone number (and to my name) - “sent” out march 9 and to be received march 15 (overseas so no overnight)

given it was mailed to me and no one ordered anything - it might be some BS goodies from some school where both kids applied and got into; their applications overlapped in 5 places (already 1 yes to both and 2 nos to both)

coming from a forwarding consolidator in the US in FL making it even weirder

wish i didnt know about the fedex etc notification portal


junior year is a tough one we are finding

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:skull::moyai:today is gonna be brutal sadge

how does deerfield give out decisions?

via email

WL at Cate :pensive:

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Anyone from Hong Kong here?